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1. Yes my parents and I have a good relationship but my dad's too severe... Like, thanks mom for existing bc I'm sure we'd be bending our backs to pick up crumbs from the ground if not for you 😄
2. To my lil sis, when she woke me at 6:34 in the morning 😆
3. Ohh, many things, things that wouldn't make me this weird, things that would make ppl like me more, things that would make me fit in a bit better... Also I regret all the lies I ever said... Plus I regret being spoiled by internet of what happens in Burning Maze... 😭
4. Errr... Nope. I'm pretty confident about what I say/do bc I am unique and- I mean, hem hem, remain humble, but still let those beaches know. 😌
5. #foreveralone
6. Asleep, possibly right after saying something beautiful to the bystanders, something like "I'm not falling asleep, I'm waking from the dream of life" (I made that one myself! I love it so much) Basically, I will be at quite an old age... If not that then I'm okay with bravely dying in battle, saving lives or something, yanno?
Why am I sitting here telling y'all how I've plotted the way I'd die?? I'm WoIrD.
7. Milk & biscuits, it's 7:42 am XD
8. I played three years of basketball from ages 3-6, then I did tennis since 6 and am still playing it... I like swimming, handball and cycling, too, and I'd REALLY want to try parkour or find a handball team nearer to home... I mean, since tennis is out of the question (our coach left and moved to France, so we're having trouble finding a new one)
9. Oh my gods, imagine the sun, and fill it with yes-es, now fill up the universe with clones of that yes-filled sun XD that's how much my answer is... I also bite the skin around my nails and I've bitten the joint between my nail and hand, yanno, that one in the middle of your fingers? Ofc, my dad was incredibly angry and now I'm not allowed to do that anymore... It's killing me 0_0


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