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1) where do u like to go when u eat out?Nowhere, i hate eating out

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1) where do u like to go when u eat out?
Nowhere, i hate eating out... I'm weird XD
2) could you live without the internet?
My top five list of internet use:
I'd say no but I'm okay just letting my phone down XD like, phone VS book I'd definitely choose book 💙💙💙💙
3) what's been the best concert you've attended?
Like, i haven't been to any concerts...
4) do you drink coffee or tea?
"Hey welcome back to my channel today I'm grading my liking for two drinks, on a scale one to ten! And here they are...
Coffee: 0
Tea: 4
Thanks for watching! Don't forget to like and subscribe to my channel!"
5) what is the first thing you notice about a person?
I'm very judgy, but I like judge quietly. These are instructions on how to correctly judge a person:
Step one; the closest to the eye is how they dress. Those clone girls who think they own the world and wear like forty kilos of makeup and basically walk around nude, are definitely idiots, deficients, stupid. The boys, on the other hand, are harder to judge by eye. Sometimes it's how they walk, or act around girls, then you can judge if they look okay or are idiots.
Step 2; most important is how they act around people. Those who are likely beaches act like they are the leaders of the group, alfas, and they are given the most attention and importance, whereas you'll notice that the people you might want to hang around are those who are quiet, who maybe never talk but listen, like you, or even those who rebel against the alfas.
Step 3; seeing how they are around the opposite sex might be useful too, like boys who just randomly swing their arms around a girls shoulder or a girl who like jokingly says "i love you!!!" For something stupid to a boy or those who hang around them and act beachy... Those are beachy
6) what r some challenge u think the next generation will face?
Plastic running out, global warming increasing off the scales, wars, donald trump, and the percy jackson tv show- if the episodes are half as much as an emotional rollercoaster as the books are, then they will take A LOT to face.
7) what's ur favorite thing about your carrier?
You mean, as a student? Nothing. Nada. Uhuh, except for proving people what I can do. As a writer? The whole thing, though if I do become an actual published writer, then i think I will be barely tolerating interviews and tv meetings and signing book copies to over excited kids... Can't i just run from the paparazzi? Stay in my house??? Write, read? Do what normal ppl would do????
8) what makes u laugh the most?
Oh, when I grow up, i will think back to the nights that my brother and I started talking about something, and it always turned into earthquaking laughter. Those dinners where we'd snort milk out of our noses and think about stupid stuff, like this video meme of a t-rex and a heading that says, "after years of studying, they have managed to accurately reproduce the t-rex's roar:" and his mouth opens and it goes "YAAAAAAAAAA". Or when we played games like "I'm thinking of something big, yellow, usually squared, what is it?" And after many attempts, one would guess it "a house?" And after doing this on and on with the same answer, then the other would say "I'm thinking of something extremely small, green and that lives on the moon" "a house" "yes". Or the days we made fun of the idiotic politics of our time, like Trump's "twin" Boris Johnson, and how even these stupid parties in italy called "5 Stelle" (5 stars) or "Fratelli d'Italia" (Brothers of Italy)  would support Trump, like "Don't take us for granted, Trump only lost bc of Covid" (LIKE WUUT??) Well, was that a good answer?
9) what have you learned from your past relationships?
That I'm not good at social interaction
10) what is the most useless thing you've ever bought?
With my own money? Countless things XD when we visit america we get 10$ from our grandma to get some stuff (supposedly toys) and when I was younger my brother and I got like those wormy things that stick or led light balls, or slimes ...
11) what's the sweetest thing you've ever done for a gift?
See, these are the moments where I wish I could just say that I'm so socially advanced that I make gifts for all of my friends ad family... But I'm not, so bwo bwo.
12) have you ever made a decision that has changed your entire life?
Yes, when I was a little girl I decided to pick up a book, said "oh cool" and got addicted to them. So kids, when people offer your stuff, refuse, unless it's books.
13) what did you always want to try but never had the courage to do?
Participate in more writing competitions 😓
14) what's the best way spending a rainy afternoon?
Reading, duh!!!
15) what does love look like to you?
I don't know, I've never seen it.
16) would you rather go camping in the woods or stay at a beach resort?
I've been to the woods way more often, and i really like it, but I'd probably stay at a resort, for like, not losing that kind of last chance in my entire life at ever entering a beach resort...
17) would u rather be an ugly genius or a hot moron?
Basically, would u rather be Albert Einstein or Jessica Simpson...
18) if u were in a band, what kind of music would u play?
Well, i don't know but I'm sure I'd be playing a piano or, least likely, singing, or like second voice maximum
19) what do u think is the cleverest animal and why?
PIGEONS! (Or any chimps)
20) what is an obscure food you have eaten and no one's ever tried?
Yogurt with a lot of different stuff XD like I had yogurt's for snack and maybe a side of something else, and I'd just dip it in no matter if it was

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