DAY 4 - Morning

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The remaining 8 Crewmates woke up to another rough day. Everyone got up steadily over to the Cafeteria. Orange went off to cook breakfast for everyone and warm up Cyan2's dinner.

"I slept for that long?" Cyan2 asked surprisingly.

"Yup! You just passed out at lunchtime," Cyan1 laughed.

Cyan2 rubbed the back of her head embarrassingly, "What was for dinner?"

Orange came out of the kitchen with a steaming plate. "Fried chicken wings!" She exclaimed as she placed the re-warmed dinner in front of Cyan2.

Cyan2 picked up the cutlery and drooled excitingly. Everyone giggled to Cyan2's burst of positivity, the opposite to how she was yesterday. 

"Chicken wings cures anything~" Cyan2 grinned and chowed down on her crunchy meal.


After everyone else ate their breakfast Cyan2 helped Orange pack up the plates and clean up in the kitchen. Orange got startled when Green unexpectantly poked her head into the kitchen.

"Once you've finished in there come into the Cafeteria. Black found something," Green said excitingly.

Orange and Cyan2 looked at each other questionably. They quickly finished cleaning and rushed out into the Cafeteria to see what the commotion's all about. All the tables and most chairs were moved to the sides of the large room. Black stood in the middle and presented to the rest of the group... A four square ball! Purple was using tape to mark out a square with four quadrants precisely measured.

"I found this under a bed and thought we could play some games for fun!" Black exclaimed cheerfully.

Cyan2 tensed, "Who's bed?"

"A bed." Black replied quickly and turned around to the rest of the crew, "Alrighty, who's going to play first?" she asked enthusiastically.

Red had pulled out four chairs for the judges and side players to sit on temporarily.

Brown and Cyan1 stepped into the square after Purple finished with the taping. Orange looked at Cyan2 and shrugged her shoulders, "Why not?" she said and stepped in as well. Cyan2 joined them.

Black passed Brown the four square ball and sat down with Red, Green and Purple.

"Start!" Purple whistled somehow with her helmet on.

Brown served the ball and the games began. Cyan2 started sweating through her suit as the rally got longer and longer. Finally the ball got into her square and when she hit it the ball bounced onto an inside line. "Aw crab sticks," Cyan2 whimpered and walked miserably over to the side chairs.

"That's okay, better luck next time!" Cyan1 reassured. Green, Black and Purple clapped as Cyan2 sat down next to them.

During that match Red was stretching and now it was her turn to go into the square. She leaped in and posed as if she could pounce any minute. A rally began and the intensity of the match escalated. The side bench Crewmates cheered louder and louder as the rally continued. 

Cyan1 made the mistake of hitting the ball into Red's square. Was waiting and now ready, Red aggressively hit the ball back with incredible speed. The ball smashed into Brown's square and bounced right past before Brown could hit back. 

The ball was hit so hard that it bounced up right into the ship's ceiling. Everyone stood up and clapped at Red and Orange, the winners. Brown and Cyan1 blinked in surprise. As the cheering calmed down Green looked concerningly up at the ceiling.

"Um... The ball's stuck in the metal beam," Green laughed.

"Oh nooo!" Cyan2 yelled with amusement.

"Well we need to get it down," Black said.

"Alright, I'll go find a ladder!" Cyan2 yelled over her shoulder as she ran down to Storage. Once she reached the large packed up boxes she opened some lids to find a ladder. She ruffled through all the random stuff impatiently. "Ugh! It's like trying to find a needle in a hay stack!" She complained to herself. 

"Oh," she found the ladder just after complaining. Cyan2 pulled it out carefully and climbed down the pile. "AH!" She screamed in surprise when she turned around to be helmet to helmet to Black.

Cyan2 took a frantic step back but her leg hit the boxes and she couldn't back up further. Her knee started to hurt again.

"Uh... Haha, found the ladder!" She held up the ladder slightly to show Black.

Black didn't respond or move. Cyan2's heart skipped a beat with nervousness.

"Did you find a ladder?" Orange called as she stepped into Storage.

"Yup!" Black flinched and called back. She took the ladder out of Cyan2's hands and walked out of Storage casually. 

Cyan2 didn't move from confusion of what just happened. "Uh, ok." She said to herself and followed the two more slowly. Black set up the ladder in the Cafeteria and climbed up to the stuck ball. Orange was holding the ladder from below to steady it. With a few pulls the four square ball fell out from the beam down into Cyan1's hands who was waiting to catch it.

"Nice," Red said.

The ladder started to shake and Orange struggled to get a hold. "Orange!!!" Black called frantically. "Aaaaaaa!" Orange screamed trying to steady the ladder. The ladder fell down with a clang. Black was hanging from the metal beam in the ceiling.

"A little help here!!!" Black yelled at her Crewmates.

Green moved Orange out the way and held her arms out ready to catch Black. "It's okay, let go!" she called.

Black hesitated for a second then let go. She fell right into Green's arms and was caught safely. Black stood up and brushed the dust off her legs to let out stress.

"Phew!" Purple exclaimed, relieved that Black was safe.

"You tried to kill me!" Black took an aggressive step towards Orange.

"No I didn't! The ladder was just unstable!!!" Orange answered back.

"OH YEAH?!?!"


Black and Orange broke into another staring competition but Cyan1 stepped in before it got too aggressive. "Who's hungry for lunch?" She asked enthusiastically.

Black's ears immediately perked up, "Me!!!" She yelled excitingly.

Cyan2 sighed in relief.

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