Chapter 2

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I decided to start my exploration by going to the library located on c deck and I sat down to read a book. After finishing the 40 page non-fiction book which took me a short 30 minutes I took Tillie to the deck to get some air. While up there I spotted Nathan and Louis and headed over to them on the lounge chairs in the sun.

"There you guys are!" I said unhappy.

They looked up at me and laughed.

"Why were you looking for us?" Louis asked.

"I wanted to see if you would like to come look around the ship with me" I said a little disappointed.

"You only looked at the library didn't you" Louis said smirking.

They both started laughing and I sighed in frustration.

"Clara" I heard my name being called out, "Clara!"

I turned around to see Benjamin slowly approaching me, I smiled brightly.

When he reached us, I said "Benjamin how fortunate of me to meet you again!"

"Indeed" he said with a subtle smile.

"These are my brothers, Nathan and Louis" I introduced.

"Pleased to meet you" Benjamin said.

"You too" the boys replied.

"And here is Tillie" I said looking at her.

"You have a beautiful baby sister" Benjamin said looking closely at Tillie.

"Benjamin" a voice said.

I looked across to see a middle aged woman with brown hair, just like Benjamin.

"Coming mother" Benjamin called before he turned back around to us and said "I best be off. I hope to see you all again!"

Then he walked back to the pretty woman who was now identified as his mother.

Nathan raised his eyebrow. "Have you gone sweet for a fellow there Clara?" Louis joked.

I shook my head at their silly accusation and continued exploring by myself.

Soon I met my family in the dining room and enjoyed a nice cup of tea with a few biscuits. I spotted Benjamin across the room and smiled at him before joining in on my family's conversation.

"What have you been up to Clara?" Father asked.

"Exploring with Tillie" I reported.

"Did you see the library Clara?" Mother asked.

"Indeed I did, it was quite splendid" I said smiling.

"We must go together after tea" Mother said and I nodded.

"Charles would you care for Tillie?" Mother simpered at father.

"Of course Celeste" father replied.

After tea mother and I were off to the library while the boys and Tillie stayed to socialise with fellow passengers. In the library mother and I read books for a good few hours before joining the boys on deck to watch the sun set. It was a really astonishing sight as the sky changed from orange to red to pink and purple. When the sun left our sight and the sky turned black, dinner was being served. The food at dinner was the best meal so far. They had a great selection and excellent food I looked forward for the next dinner tomorrow. Straight after finishing we all retired to our staterooms ready for the day that lay ahead.

I woke up the next morning to mother shaking me gently. I sat in bed for a moment longer before getting up and changing into a beautiful green dress.

Mother said we have to wear our best attire on the Titanic as many wealthy people are travelling on it. 

With the dress I wore my white veil that covers half my face and some white flats. While mother was applying her makeup, I dressed Tillie into something warm as she gets cold easily. 

Soon we left our stateroom and walked to the dining room. When we arrived I noticed Benjamin and what I assumed were his parents at a table with father and my brothers. We sat down and father introduced me to Benjamin and his parents, William and Alice. I explained already meeting Benjamin. I greeted William and Alice. I also noticed a younger girl at the table who was soon said to be Benjamin's little sister, Grace. 

Grace is only 8 but very mature and sweet. We all had a great conversation and sometimes the adults would talk about tedious content so us kids would talk amongst ourselves. Benjamin and Grace share a great relationship, unlike me and Nathan or Louis. We don't fight much but we aren't very close. Nathan and Louis are close but I share a better relationship with my sister and mother. Unfortunately father and I don't get along very well, we just have very different opinions. However he loves me deeply and I love him too.


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