chapter 13

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I'd managed to reach the cafeteria for lunch, without Kingsley catching me. Although I'd practically ran there in the end, he wasn't aware of what the afternoon would hold.

I'd been nervous the whole hour, knowing that despite my internal resolve, he'd inevitably confront me about working with Elijah.

Since our first argument about my classmate, I'd managed to avoid any discussion related to the topic, but I knew that his stance wouldn't have changed. He was terribly stubborn, which was a good part of what had made him such a pain in the ass these last few weeks.

As the painstaking lunch hour passed, Naila shot me strange looks occasionally, seeming to notice my tense demeanour but I just shook my head slightly, indicating that I didn't want to talk about it.

When the bell finally rang for the afternoon period, I took my time gathering my stuff as we said our goodbyes. They all had lessons to attend and I suddenly felt very vulnerable as I made my way to the doors alone.

Kingsley caught up to me quickly and I couldn't tell if he was standing extra close to me on purpose or by accident. Either way it didn't help my jitters, only increasing the anxious feeling in my stomach.

I thought I might be safe, if only I could get to the library first without discussion. I knew he wouldn't question my wanting to go there, I frequently spent my free periods studying in the serene space.

But to my dismay, as we walked towards the library he didn't waste any time with his inquisition.

"What did that egg boy say to you?"

"His name is Eli and... he said nothing important." I didn't turn to face him, marching down the hallways with purpose.

But his tone was only more suspicious as he spoke again, "I can tell you're lying, you're easy to read you know."

"I'm not a book, you don't have to read anything about me."

"I'm quite aware you're a human actually, but if you were a book, you'd be a children's storybook, you know with the little texture patches that you can run your fingers over." He warbled on as we walked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I rolled my eyes as we turned a corner, narrowly avoiding a student coming the other way.

"You know, they're easy to read, like you." He seemed to widen his steps to keep pace with me but I hurried myself and ignored his comment.

He was silent for a moment, probably contemplating what to say and I prayed that he wouldn't push me any further on the topic.

"Are you going to tell me what he said to you or are we going to play the silent game all the way to the library? I've got to warn you, I'm a champion at it."

I scoffed at his words, "I highly doubt that, you never seem to shut up unless I pretend you don't exist. And for the record no, I don't wish to share my private conversations with you."

"I'd really wish you wouldn't ignore me actually, it makes the job ten times as boring. And I think I can guess, hmm let's see..." He paused as he thought and I could see him tapping his finger against his chin from the corner of my eye.

"He asked to borrow your straighteners?" I could hear the teasing in his tone, clearly entertained by annoying me.

"No." I replied curtly, hoping to deter his antics.

"Your makeup?"


"He asked you to spell apple?"


"He asked you on a date?"


"He asked you to be his project partner?"

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