Strangers in a bar

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Mew's POV

It was the third time Gulf had ditched me for hanging out with his football mates. We have been living together for two years, but both of us had been busy for the past few weeks, me with my band and Gulf with his football training. Today was the only free time I had and I wanted to spend it with my boyfriend and have some good time. But Gulf said he had plans for the evening and couldn't make it. Most probably he wouldn't even make it home tonight choosing to crash with Techno.

I gave a deep sigh and took a sip of my drink to wash away the tinge of sadness of being left alone. I was sitting alone at the bar sipping on a glass of whiskey when I felt the presence of someone sitting next to me. He ordered the same drink as me. I could smell his strong cologne, it smelled like summer rain and something else that I couldn't identify and I found that I liked the smell. Being curious, I turned to take look at the stranger beside me when I found a pair of eyes staring at me. My heart skipped a beat.

He was handsome with sharp jaws, pink pouty lips and soft brown eyes. He had a slight tan and a strong built but was not overly buff. He took a sip of his whiskey and licked his lips. Heat started creeping up my body under his intense stare.

No one had looked at me like that in a long time. Nowadays Gulf was either too busy or too tired in the evenings even for sex. We haven't even kissed each other properly in a long time, just a peck on the lips in the morning before we left for our respective faculties.

I felt something crawling in the pit of my stomach. I wanted to kiss that pink lips and wanted to taste the whiskey on his tongue. I wondered how his skin would feel under me when I press him into the mattress. I knew it was wrong to feel something like this for someone other than Gulf, but I couldn't control it. It might be the alcohol in my system that is making the decisions right now, but I wanted the man in front of me and I wanted him now.

He had a slight smirk on his lips and I knew that he wanted the same thing as I did for the night. Before he could make a move, I pulled him by his hips, making him crash into me. I couldn't resist. I took his face in my arms and placed a soft kiss on his lips and pulled back to look at him. That kiss left my lips tingling and wanting for more. Looking at his flushed cheeks, I knew that he felt the same.

"Do you want to get out of this place " he asked, surprising me.


We paid the tab and stood up wanting to see where this night would lead us.

"What should I call you "


A/N: This is the first time I am writing a story and English is not my first language so please forgive any grammatical errors. The only thing that belongs to me is the plot. Please be kind. 

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