Gut feeling

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Bright's POV

I got back to the apartment I was staying at and went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Standing under the hot shower, I washed away the remains of last night. It was soothing to let the hot water hit my body. I grabbed a towel to dry myself and looked at the mirror. There were few marks on my collar that was turning purple. I touched the marks thinking about the person that left it there.

I have had boyfriends and one-night stands before but the guy last night was amazing. He woke me up many times so that he could shove his cock up my ass and fuck me senseless. After the first time, he became a master at finding the right spot that could make me cum within seconds. I shivered thinking about the various ways in which I was taken last night. 'I should have woken him for another round or have at least asked for his name and number.'

I got out of the bathroom and fell on to the bed to take a nap. I had to meet my cousin in the evening. I closed my eyes, dreaming about the stranger with a cute pout.

When I woke up, it was already evening. I looked at the clock to find that I had only an hour to get ready before Phi would come to pick me. Since we were going to have dinner at his place, I thought of wearing something casual. I hadn't finished unpacking my luggage yet, so there were boxes stacked up like a mountain in my room. It took me almost fifteen minutes to find a suitable pair of t-shirt and jeans. By the time I finished getting ready, there was a knock on the door.

I opened the door to see Phi standing there.

"Hey, Phi. "

"Are you ready Bright?"

"Yeah Phi, let me just lock this place and we can leave. "

We walked out of the apartment towards Phi's car. "Wow Phi, I didn't know you had a car."

"This belongs to my friend," he said sheepishly.

I got into the car. It was luxurious but something about this car seemed familiar. Phi must have a rich friend. All through the ride, something kept nagging at the back of my head. Like a gut feeling as if something bad was going to happen. Throughout the ride Phi kept asking about my parents and if I was adjusting to the new surroundings. We stopped by a store to buy some food.

"My friend would be joining us for dinner. He is my roommate," said Phi.

Within the next ten minutes, we stopped in front of a large apartment complex. Because of our conversation in the car, I had not paid much attention to the surroundings or the route we were taking. Getting out of the car, I looked at the building to find that It was the same building where I had spent the night yesterday.

I thought about the chance of running into my one-night stand. Most probably we wouldn't even meet. I didn't want Phi to know about my partner preference. Even though I came out as gay to my parents, others were unaware of my choice. My parents were okay with my decision, but the rest of the family were orthodox and would not have accepted my choice. If Phi got to know about this, he might be disgusted with me.

I followed Phi into the elevator and saw him pressing the button for the sixth floor. 'Calm down Bright. They are just on the same floor. There are be many rooms on the same floor. Even if he saw you he might not recognise you.' I gave a small pep talk to myself to keep away the nervousness. I kept silent throughout the elevator ride while Phi continued to talk about his football practice. He didn't notice the change in my behaviour.

We got out of the elevator and made towards his apartment. I found myself walking the same path I had taken that morning. The sinking feeling in my gut kept increasing till we stopped in front of an apartment and Phi knocked on the door. It was the same apartment I had walked out of that morning. I heard the lock turn and the door open.

'Oh no,' I screamed in my head.

Looking up, I found myself staring at a pair of eyes that was just as shocked as I was.

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