What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas

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Mew's POV

We stared at each other for some time not knowing how to start this conversation. Finally Bright broke the silence.

"So Mew... that is your name. Sorry, I didn't get your name last night" said Bright awkwardly.

I squirmed where I was standing feeling uncomfortable under his fierce stare.

"What is your relationship with my Phi?" he asked getting straight to the point. Gone was the shy and quiet Bright that Gulf had introduced to me and I knew that this was the Bright I had met last night. I knew that I had to be careful at this point. If Bright would say anything to Gulf then it could damage my relationship.

I went ahead with the pre-planned lie. "We are roommates."

"Phi I am not that dumb." He got up from the chair and stood in front of me. We were almost the same height me being a bit taller. He stared at me, daring me to say anything else.

"I noticed how he almost slipped and called you boyfriend when he introduced you to me." I gulped trying to find excuses to cover the mistake but my mind went blank. I knew that lying wouldn't work anymore. "Gulf is my boyfriend," I admitted to Bright.

"Then why did you two lie that you were his roommate."

"Technically that is not a lie. We do live together but he didn't want others to know that he has a boyfriend especially his family."

"If you already had a boyfriend then why did you sleep with me yesterday?" asked Bright coming closer to me.

"You cheated on my Phi" Bright shouted.

"Yesterday was an accident. I didn't mean to cheat on Gulf." I finally got the courage to reply.

" I wonder how many times you must have cheated on him before," he said with a small smirk adorning his lips.

"I have never slept with anyone since both of us started this relationship. I was drunk yesterday and didn't know what I was doing." I said trying to absolve myself of the guilt.

"I should be telling this to my Phi. He is my family. I don't want him to find out later that I had slept with his boyfriend" Bright took a step closer.

"Please don't tell Gulf" I pleaded. "If he finds out about this he will be crushed. I can't do that to him." Bright looked at me intensely for a moment.

"Is that so? "

"My silence comes at a cost. Will you be able to pay the price?" Bright asked. He had a scheming look on his face.

"I can pay you how much ever you want."

Bright took a step closer. We were just a hair's breadth away from each other. "It is not money that I want ."

He grabbed my collar and closed the gap between us. I was too shocked by this to even push him away.

"If you want me to keep silent then you have to spend the night with me else I will tell Phi Gulf about last night."

"Just to be clear, what do you mean by spending the night with you?"

"Simple I want you to fuck me."

"Bright that is blackmail. I can't do that." I objected."You are Gulf's cousin. It would be wrong for me to sleep with you. "

"I am not asking you for a relationship Phi, just one night. I want to know what It feels like to get fucked by you without the alcohol in my system." Bright could see Mew question the merit of the choice.

"Phi, Mew haven't you heard of the saying what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Well, let me tell you whatever happens here in this room tonight no one will ever find out." Bright ran his hands over my chest and began peppering my jaw with kisses.

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