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Mew's POV

When I woke up, the spot beside me was empty. I looked around for Bright's belongings, but it was missing. 'Bright must have left before I woke up'.

I sat up on my bed thinking about the amazing night I had with the guy from the bar. After the first round, we had woken up multiple times in the night to have more rounds of sex. It was the best I have had in a long time. Bright was so tempting. The way his back arched as I kissed him, even his moans were enticing.

That is when it struck me. I had sex with another man. A man that was not Gulf. I had cheated on Gulf.

'Oh, no. What have I done' I held my face with my hands trying to keep away the guilt that was clawing inside me. 'I shouldn't have gotten drunk.'

'This will crush Gulf if he finds out.'

I thought for a second what he should do next. Should I confess to Gulf what I had done or should I act as if nothing had happened? I decided to go with the second option. What was the chance that I would meet Bright again. I got up from the bed to clean the room and remove any traces of yesterday night.

By eleven o'clock Gulf came back to the condo. "Mew I am back" Gulf called out placing the keys in the key holder.

"I hope you haven't had breakfast. I got breakfast for both of us."

"I am taking a shower let me come out then we can have breakfast together." I quickly finished my shower and took a glance at the mirror looking for any marks on my skin that could indicate about last night. Luckily there wasn't any. I got out of the bathroom to find Gulf transferring the congee into two bowls.

"Good morning Gulf. How was the party yesterday." I asked hugging him.

"Just the usual night out with the guys. What did you do yesterday"

"I stayed at home," I replied feeling bad for lying.

" Let's have breakfast before it cools down." Gulf removed my hands from around him and sat in the chair to have the congee. Feeling a bit sad at the loss of contact, I sat opposite to him to have the food. Breakfast was a silent affair.

"Mew are you free this evening" Gulf asked once he finished having his food. He looked somewhat troubled.

"Yes. I don't have any gigs for today. "

"Good. Do u remember me talking about my cousin?" Gulf scooped up his plate and went to the sink to clean them. It was as if he was trying to keep a distance from me.


"Well, he has joined our university as a fresher and since I was busy with practice I couldn't meet up with him when he had joined. So I invited him home for dinner today to catch up with him."

"Sure that is fine. What time will he be here. " I finished my breakfast and took the bowl to clean it. I stood next to gulf watching him wash the dishes.

"Since he is not familiar with the place I will have to go pick him from where he is staying by six. So you get ready by then. I can buy food from the place at the


"Mew... I want you to do me a favour" I looked at Gulf surprised. He was an independent person and has never asked for any favours preferring to do things by himself. If he needed my help, then that means it must be something important. Gulf hesitated for a bit.

"You can't tell my cousin that you are my boyfriend." You could hear a pin drop at that instant. It took me some time to come back to my senses after that statement.

"Gulf I thought we had talked about this. We have been in a relationship for more than two years, yet you are hesitating to tell your family about me."

"Mew please understand. I am not ready." I knew that telling others is not an easy matter, but after being in a relationship for so long, it hurt having to hide in front of others.

I need more time." said Gulf looking at the floor. I couldn't say no to Gulf.

"Okay " I sighed standing behind Gulf. I put my hands around him, trapping him between the sink and me and rested my head on his shoulders. I began peppering his neck with light kisses. Putting the dishes down, he turned towards me.

"Mew what are you doing." With one arm I pull him closer to me and looked at him.

"I just wanted to spend some time with my boyfriend. We have been so busy with work that it feels as if I haven't seen you in a long time. I missed you Gulf" I said and pressed my palm to his cheeks and pulled his face closer for a kiss. He was still for a moment but then started responding. I pushed my fingers into his hair to bring him closer and with the other hand, grabbed his waist. As the kissing started to turn into something much hotter, he pushed me away.

"Mew stop. I can't do this" he looked guilty.

"Is there anything wrong Gulf?" I asked, wondering if he was okay.

"I missed a lot of classes because of the practice. Now I have assignments to complete and pending notes to write. If I don't finish it by Monday the teacher would scold me."

"You have plenty of time to complete it. The deadline is not until the day after tomorrow." I couldn't stop myself, I pulled Gulf closer to place kisses on his neck and collar. "All I ask is for you to spend some time with me" I begged him.

"If you want I can even help you with your work" I tried to convince Gulf, but it was of no use.

"No. Let me go Mew " he shoved me.

"I don't have time to think about this right now. I have to focus on my studies. " Gulf turned around and walked into the bedroom closing the door with a bang.

I didn't know when it happened, but our conversations had turned to bland enquiries about daily routine or one-word replies. Most of the time it would escalate into shouting matches which would end when one of us would walk out.

I loved Gulf, but he never has time for me anymore. Whenever we have free time, he spends it with his friends or says that he is too tired even to cuddle. It seemed as if he was avoiding me. Fear started creeping up my spine as a thought ran through my head.

'Did Gulf regret being my boyfriend?'

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