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Each order and command going through the ear piece was like that one annoying sound you couldn't get out of your head.  It wasn't like a song which you could appreciate.

It was aggressive and commanding.

But there was no other choice, Hoseok obeying each and every task, updating war deaths, delivering uniforms to the unfortunate families that lost a loved one to war.  The inevitable heartbreak in their eyes as he handed over the carefully folded and boxed uniforms when all they really hoped for was news that their loved one was alive.

But that was a light.  It was a dim light for Hoseok, knowing they would have the knowledge that they have lost someone dear and wouldn't have to wait for eternity for their loved one to come home but it never happens.  They'd just waste away.

His life was made up of control, always being controlled and never having it for himself.  When his mother received the letter that Hoseok had the opportunity to be a messenger for the royal court, she thought of it as an honor.

She didn't know how her son would begin to become someone he's not.  She knew Hoseok as optimistic and smiley not someone who barely wanted to leave the house.

But she wasn't allowed to change her mind, she wasn't allowed to let him free.  He was assigned.  He was chosen.

But he was lucky in some ways.  He had everything he wanted, he was allowed into any building at any time, even after hours. 

He appreciated it, he was always busy, school, work, but that was okay.  He didn't allow himself to think clearly, to let himself wonder of outside the kingdom.

Would he have ever thought about the countless camps? The countless towns?

The countless thieves and merchants?

The best theif even? Maybe the young adult, born from the kingdom but lived outside it, would have crossed a thought once.

Maybe the black haired male that Hoseok would soon be destined to meet would have had a chance of thought, not for being himself, but for being the best.

Y. O. O. N. G. I.

Spelled out like some sign.  He was the best theif.  He didn't do it for nothing though, he didn't do it for himself.  Emotional boy, but he never showed it.  He could sneak his way into the kingdom, forge signatures, and lie so easily.

Everything about him was so seemingly laid back that putting him next to Hoseok would be like night and day.

Yoongi took to the streets of the kingdom, though this specific day he was really off.  Really unfocused.  Really clumsy.

Maybe that was a good thing.

The mint chocolate chip ice cream in his hold as he walked the quiet streets at the time of 10:54, 6 minutes before kingdom curfew. 

He hummed quietly, the streets empty.  He wasn't there for goodies, he was there for a break.  He had siblings to take care of at home, being 19 and the oldest, all he wanted was peace.

But he saw an opportunity.  Someone walking alone, his backpack open carelessly.  Yoongi allowed himself to finish the sweet cold treat, wiping his hands with a napkin he carelessly tossed to the ground.

He took a deep breath, making sure he was at least semi emotionally stable.  He was silent as he crept closer, finally reaching the bag, easily slipping his hand to grab a device, maybe a tablet, but before he could move back, he tripped, providing a tug to the bag which caused the person to whirl around and shove him.

At the sudden push to his chest, he fell back, his right wrist catching his fall, pain shooting up his wrist into his arm, making him yelp loudly in pain, cursing.

It was silent, Yoongi carefully looking up, making eye contact with the stunned male who hadn't processed that this tiny adult had attempted to steal from him.

Yoongi whimpered pitifully, trying to get anything out, some sort of explanation or apology.

"...W-Who the hell are you?"

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