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"Good morning~"

"M not a morning person..."

Yoongi rubbed at his tired eyes, Hoseok squishing his cheeks in attempt to wake him.  "Well you want to get home, don't you?"

"Yes I do," Yoongi mumbled, pulling away from the taller's touch.


"Who's this cutie!?"

Hoseok smiled, seeing his best friend approaching, very bouncy and happy that morning.

"Taetae, this is Yoongi, Yoongi, this is Taehyung."

Yoongi waved awkwardly as the male studied him for a moment before reaching over and pinching his cheeks, "You have cute cheeks," Taehyung stated, before booping his nose, "and nose."

Yoongi backed away slightly, using an expression of disgust to hide how flustered he was.

"Well I'm taking him home, Camp A." Hoseok hummed, Taehyung frowning slightly.

"He's not from here? I thought we had a new settlement or something..."

"Well if the royals find out he's here he's as good as dead."

Yoongi frowned, tapping Hoseok's shoulder, "What do you mean?"

"The royals... They don't like people from the camps in here, if they find you they'd force you into slave work because they think the camps are uncivilized."

Yoongi's eyes widened, "But we're not uncivilized? We have more order in our camps than they do here!"

Hoseok covered Yoongi's mouth, "Shut up.  Are you trying to get caught? You'll also get us in trouble for helping you."

Taehyung looked around, "I'll cover your jobs today, Hobi, bye-bye."

Hoseok waved before taking Yoongi's uninjured wrist and running towards the Kingdom's gate.


"How did you even get here?"

"Why would I tell you that?"

"Because it might help get you home."

"I don't need your help, I've done this hundreds of times."

"Ever done it with an injured wrist? Not to mention your dominant hand?"


Yoongi shrunk away, proved wrong, "It's easy to walk behind a guard while they check off IDs in front of them.  Getting out is easier than getting in because they don't check IDs as much when you're leaving.  But they check for the wrist microchips..."

"Wrist microchips?"

Yoongi gasped, looking over to Hoseok, "What do you mean? Y-You don't know?"

Hoseok, looking completely calm, shook his head, even as Yoongi grabbed his hand and brought it up, rubbing his thumb over his wrist.

"You're telling me... They don't tell you... You're being tracked, your placement, your identity..." Yoongi gulped, looking up at Hoseok who, this time, looked confused and panicked.  "They plant a chip in your wrist, labeled with your name.  They know everything about you..."

"W-why do you know this?"

Hoseok's voice faltered, Yoongi's almost emotionless eyes softening, "My mom used to work for the royals before she was kicked out because she was pregnant with me.  My dad was a soldier in the war, he died 2 years ago."

Hoseok nodded, clearing his throat, Yoongi immediately letting go of his wrist and letting himself go back to his seemingly calm self.

"I'm going to need you to hoist me over that fence behind the guards and then exit out the gate so they check you and then I can get across."

"Alright," Hoseok agreed


When Yoongi got home he went up to his room in the small cabin made by his father years before he had to leave again only to be seen once then never again, his room the size of a closet with a mattress, nightstand, and bag of clothes.

After having set the $100 on the table for his mother who chose to share her room with her other 2 sons so Yoongi could have privacy, he took to his "bed" thats consisted of a mattress of the floor and a soft blanket.  He didn't hate how he lived.  His camp only suffered because of the kingdom, otherwise they would have beds and larger areas to work with.

He pretended if he didn't get along with someone from the kingdom.  As if he didn't think that maybe people of the kingdom weren't that bad.

He sighed, laying on his back and rubbing his face, not hearing his door opening and realizing it was too late for reaction once he huffed out by the weight on his stomach.

"Jeonginnn~ get off— FUCK—"

Yoongi wheezed as a second weight was added, making Jeongin cry out as Jeongguk laid of top of both of them.  The eldest male attempted to shove them off but the sharp pain in his wrist made him yelp and whine at the pain.

Jeongguk, realizing his brother's pain, rolled off, pulling the youngest off with him, allowing Yoongi to breathe deeply.

"You absolute fucking whores," Yoongi cussed angrily, rubbing his hurt wrist.

Jeongin was used to the cussing by his elder brothers so he didn't react.

"You cursed with Jeongin in the room, I'mma tell mom."

"You little ass snitch," Yoongi snorted, hitting Jeongguk on the arm.

"Telling mom."

"What she gonna do? I'm 19 and out of her custody,"

"You live here. She can kick you out."

Yoongi thought for a second, "And why would she do that," He giggled, reaching over and tickling Jeongin who took a second before squealing and squirming out of the room.

Jeongguk shrugged, getting up and saying sleep well, knowing Yoongi was going to sleep and then leave.

as always.

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