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Ever since my dad left my mom has been a real bitch. Every week there's a new guy she tries to please.

Though I'm 19 I still live with her because where else can I go. Plus my college is just down the street, so it's convenient.

However, recently things have been getting worse. For example, last night I got home late from the library because I had lost track of time. When I went through the door she started yelling at me and asking where I was. I answered with the library but she didn't believe me.

We got in a huge fight after that. After, I went to lay down and think about what I could do. I came up with a plan that was... The next she pulls this shit I'm going to pack up and drive away.

I started packing a little because I knew it wouldn't be long until that point. The only thing was that I don't know where I would drive. I mean I have a couple friends, but I don't trust them enough with this.

Then I heard a notification from my phone. Someone was streaming... it was Karl. Karl was the best. He seemed so nice and sweet and like he had his life together. I wat to meet Karl sometime maybe.

I'm a small streamer on Twitch. Streaming was fun, it was ultimately my dream job.

Karl gets on the SMP and starts running around, doing random shit. Then an idea pops in my head, though I didn't have a lot of money I decide I want to donate to his stream. I start typing out my message that read...
$5 from u/n
Really enjoying the steam 🤗

He started reading it out and said "U/n thanks for the 5. I think I watched your last stream, your a really good builder."

Holy shit.

He watched my last stream.

**time skip near the end of the stream**

"Alright guys I think I'm going to end the stream here. Who should we raid today??" He looked at chat and everyone was saying Ranboo. "Ranboo it is. It looks like he's doing parkour."

With that he ends the stream and I get a Twitter notification.
Karljacobs followed you.
Karljacobs sent you a message.

Holy shit.

I look at the message as my hands started shaking.

A/N: hands go brr

Hey i saw your were on my stream and wanted to say hi and to say i watched your last stream and you seem really chill.

Thank you!! You seem really chill to and your stream tonight was hilarious.


If my hands weren't shacking before they were now.

Sorry this chapter was kinda all over the place. I completely changed what I was doing for this story.
460 words

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