The real deal

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A/n instead of listening to music im watching Nikkis stream

Happy reading <3


Y/n's pov

We got in the car on our way to the Mrbeast warehouse thing to do the challenges. Have way there I felt Karl put his hand on my thigh making me flustered at first but in the end calmed me down quite a bit.

When we got there we were greeted by Jimmy and the gang.

"Hi, you must be y/n. I've heard a lot about you it's nice to finally meet you" Jimmy said

"Oh uh yeah nice to meet you too."

"Hi I'm Chris."

"Hi Chris."

We all walk inside where I meet the contestants. They were all really nice. We then found out what the challenge was. We have to sit in slime for as long as we can.

This should be fun.

Once we got started we all introduced each other to the camera we also found out who our coaches will be. My coach is Chandler who I haven't meet yet.

Though it was only 1 this girl named Rachel left the pool of slime. She was offered $10,000 to leave and she did. Her coach was Viking (i forget his name smh) and they made a deal the he would get half of the $10,000.

An hour later and no one else has left and Chandler asked me if I was hungry.


"Ok what do you want?"

"Can I get a burger please?"

"No pickles?"

"But why."

"Because pickles suck."

"But I like pickles."

"You don't get pickles."

"Fine no pickles." And the Chandler just left. We all started laughing.

About 30 minutes later he came back with my food and left again probably to eat. While I was eating the person next me got out for some gaming equipment their coach was Chris.

Then it was just me and this guy named Eric his coach is of course Karl. I was determined to win for obvious reasons and then their was Eric who wanted to get himself a Tesla even though he already had a good car. It kinda made me upset for his reasoning and the one conversation I had with him made me uncomfortable.Chandler apparently fell asleep on a bean bag chair.

Another hour passes and we were both still going strong though Eric was tempted to get out when he was offered $100,000. Then the best thing to ever happen happened. He got out... I won.... I won!! I don't have to go home. I can stay here with Karl.

"Y/n you won!!" Jimmy said with his camera man behind him.

"Yeah I did!"

"So tell me what are you going ti do with the 1 millon dollars you just won?"

"I'm going to move and get better streaming equipment." I say still on my high of winning that much money. Then finally Chandler woke up as I was getting out.

"Wait why are you getting out?"

"Because I won."

"Oh how long was I asleep?"

"Um like 2 hours."


Everyone started laughing as I left to get my back of snacks that I never ate. I didn't realize that the stress of the challenge would make me not want food. I got what I could of the slime off without a washing machine or a shower. When it was time to leave I went to Karl's car hand in hand with him. We got in the car and he started talking about how proud he was of me.

"Thank you it really means a lot coming from you." I say eyes starting to water.

"Lets get you home and change and everything then we can get dinner and watcha movie?"

"Sounds good." I say as he pulls into the driveway. We get out and I head upstairs to take my shower and wash my clothes. When I got done with my shower I realized I forgot a towel.



"I forgot a towel."

"What?" He asks coming upstairs.

"I forgot a towel."

"Oh ok." He says getting one out of the utility closet upstairs.

"Uh here." He says knocking on the door.

"Thank you." I say peeking through the door grabbing the towel. I look up to see Karl's hand over his eyes and start laughing.


"You just- i- you-" I try to say through laughter.

"I just look and see you with your hand over your eyes" I say completely this time still laughing.

"What did you expect." Karl says laughing with me now.

"I don't even know anymore." Finally calming down from laughing.

"Ok." He said with a slight chuckle turning around and going back downstairs. I finished up in the bathroom and went downstairs to see Karl in the kitchen with boxes of food from f/r (favorite restaurant).

"I figured you were hungry considering Chandler was your coach and he basically sleep the whole time." He said with a smile. I walked over to him in aw that he a) read your mind b) raised the bar.

"Thank you." I say pulling him into a hug.

"Of course anything for my girl." My stomach flips... He called me his girl... I'm his girl. I simply reply by kissing him. He smiled into the kiss making me smile back. We break and just hold each other until my stomach growls.

"Lets eat hm?" Karl says having heard my stomach.

"Haha yeah lets." I reply.

~~time skip~~

"That was so good y/n."

"Yeah duh why do you think it's my favorite?"

"Haha wanna watcha movie?"

"Yeah sure but I can't promise I won't fall asleep." We laugh as we get from the table and walk into the living room (im sorry for interrupting the story but one of the suggested words for where they were  walking to was 'the closet' and IM DEAD)

He turns off some of the knowing we would probably be sleeping on the coach tonight. Almost as soon as we get settled and start the movie I fall asleep. Today was really tiring so it was easy to fall asleep.

Karl's pov

Y/n fell asleep on me making me turn off the tv and fall asleep. It was really easy to fall asleep with her. It always is but tonight was different. I don't knkw how but it just was.


Word count: 1065

Hey guys it's been a while but I'm back. You guys have been really supportive and nice and I appreciate it. This is my first book and so far the feedback makes me want to make more books in the future so thanks for that.

Remember to eat and drink something you need that shit to live. And dont forget i love you.

- plus ❤

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