Dinner and Cuddles

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When our food got here we sst on his couch and watched a movie. It was clear there was tension between us, but the tension was more relaxing than anything.

After we were done we went to the kitchen to get rid of the empty pizza boxes and to wash our plates.

Then I remembered we bought ice cream and I gasp.

"You good?" Karl asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"We have ice cream!" I said with a smile. He looks at me with a 'pog' face and says "Oh my honk I almost forgot!"

I stifle a laugh (like wilbur) as I watch him run to the freezer. Follow behind because I want my share. Knowing Karl he would have brought the whole container out and eaten it all by himself.

He pulls it out and scrambles to find an ice cream scoop and bowl. My laughter continues as I watch this happen and not help.

Karl's pov

She laughs at me as I fumble but not quite drop the ice cream scoop. Her laugh was so cute.

When I got everything set up I do a ta-da motion with my arms. She laughs even harder then I join in. Her laugh was so contagious.

We finally stop laughing and she gets her own bowl she also gets spoons I say "How did I forget spoons?"

"I don't know maybe because you were so excited you weren't thinking?"

"Makes sense." I say with a smile. She shakes her head at me laughing a little. I then realize I've never heard her laugh until now. At least she was happy. I mean don't get me wrong I'm happy with my life but, she completely switched from when she was with her mom and when she was with me.

I'm glad she's here now. It seems like she needed a break. Maybe a forever break if she wins the challenge. I really hope she wins because then I could see her more and we wouldn't have to deal with long distance.

"Your turn." She says with a warm smile.

"Yay!!" I say ecstatic. She runs back to living room before I could notice she took over half of the ice cream making it so I wouldn't get a good amount.

"Oh your so dead."

"Is that so?" She yells sitting on the couch.

"Yeah I think so." I here get up and come to the kitchen. Mistake number one, hse then continues to eat the while bowl of ice cream she made for herself leaving me no choice to eat what she had left him in the container. Mistake two.

She put her bowl in the sink when she was done. She the had the audacity to say "Eat your ice cream before it all melts." She even says it with a smile making ne more annoyed.

"You didn't-"

"Oh but I did."

"Again your dead, simply." I say giving an explanatory nod. (Woah big words)

"Shore whatever you think" she says pointing to my head.

She began to walk away as I put my ice cream back in the freezer. This grads her attention and turns around and asks "What are you doing?"

I smile "You have 30 seconds to hide before I find you and tickle you."

Y/n's pov

Oh no. I had barley been at his house. The only reason I knew were a place to hide was because it was in my room.

"Fine but you have to cover your ears too." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Fine." He sighs out.

He starts counting down from 30 and I start running into my room, and going into the closet. In haven't gotten a chance to put my clothes away so I hid in them. There's no way he could find me. And then "Ready or not here I come!" I felt my heart rate speed up. Karl+mad= the scariest damn thing you will ever witness. Case closed.

I start hearing footsteps come into my room and I start focussing on my breathing to make sure it wasn't to loud. Then my closet door opened.

"Y/n.... I can see your sock poke out of the pile of clothes your under."

"No you don't."

"Yeah I do."

"No you don't."

"Touch your right foot then."

Damnit he was right.

"Ugh how'd you fine me so quickly?" I ask getting up from my hiding spot.

"Easy, this is the only place in my house you well enough to know were likely to hid here."

He was right. I barely knew his house.

We walked back to the couch in the living room. When Karl sat down he pressed play on the movie we had both forgotten about. We he did that I got close to him setting my head in his shoulder and relaxing there.

** Time skip **

Half way through the movie a wave of drowsiness took over. I looked to Karl seeing him focused on the movie we were watching. His hand was around my arm holding onto me tightly but not to the point it was uncomfortable. It was comfy and scurrying, like a blanket.

Then I fell asleep on him.

Karl's pov

I knew she was tired. I could tell by looking at her. When the movie was over I picked her up and put her in her bed. When I let go she was reaching me.

"Come back." She whined arms stretched out searching for me.

"Fine." I reply getting the bed with her. Holding her firmly. Then eventually I fell asleep.


Word count: 934

Hey, I honestly wasn't expecting this many people to read this book let alone anyone ever. So I just wanted to say hi and thank you. Also hopefully by the next chapter I'll have an animation ready to be seen.

Ps. Drink water and eat something anything if you haven't yet.

- plus ❤

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