chapter 1

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~Y/N's POV~

"The design is completely unconventional." I blatantly stated, swiveling around in my chair to face the concerned faces around the board room table. My gaze shifted to a timid Ryan on my far left, shuffling through his stack of papers, all of which were in disarray.

"B-but Ms. Y/L/N, I don't understand-"

"Well I'm going to help you understand." I cut him off, placing a slightly balled fist on the table, causing the water in my glass to ripple outwards towards its sleek, glass curves.

I was in a peculiar funk today and nearly everything was pissing me the fuck off. As much as I wanted to scream and yell at people, I knew that, professionally, I had to tone it down.

It is my company after all.

Running my fingers through my dark, long hair, I outstretched my hand towards Ryan, signaling for him to hand over his design to me. He slid it over with no hesitation whatsoever, and I quickly grabbed the paper and stood up, walking over to the large cork board in the middle of the conference room. Grabbing a thumb tack from the small cup adjacent to it, I stuck the colored sheet onto the board, turning to face my audience of other graphic designers.

"The kerning is way off of what its margins need to be, and color choice is extremely poor. From a visual hierarchy standpoint, the message isn't conveyed like it should be. We're advertising for MTV, not for a zoo." I pointed to the misplaced animal and took the design off the board, giving it back to Ryan.

I let out a long sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I expect more from all of you, truly. We're the leading design firm in Manhattan currently, and I hired all of you in the first place because all of you are well versed in this profession in advertising and design. I believe in all of you, this is why I'm pushing so hard."

I watched as my employees nodded at my reassurance in which I had given them. I closed my black binder and smiled to them kindly.

"You are all dismissed. I believe in you guys. If at all possible, please have these redesigns in my mailbox by Friday."

I plethora of 'thank you's' and farewells echoed throughout the room and everyone filed out, me following close behind and locking the conference room door behind me.

After making my way down the chic, modern hallway, I finally arrived at my office. Opening the door, I quickly closed it behind me, setting my papers down on the black desk. I eagerly moved over to the island behind me, eagerly reaching for my crystal vase of whiskey. Opening the mini fridge on the self of the island, I scooped a small portion of ice cubes into my glass, then filling it 3/4 of the way with whiskey. The office was dark, my only light source being the moonlight shining through the window.

It was night time and the city lights were at an all time glow, per usual. It was truly beautiful, and the view makes me really grateful that I moved here in the first place.

I'm forever grateful for how I got here, and to how I got to where I am today.

I continued looking out the giant glass pane in my office, swirling the last bit of the alcohol contents around in my glass. I took one final sip, feeling the familiar warmth down my throat. I sighed contently, walking back over to the granite island and setting the glass onto its surface. I then hurried over to grab my black leather briefcase, along with my black coat.

I can't wait to get home.

After gathering all my things, I quickly made my way out of my office, locking it behind me. As I made my way down the now dimly lit hallway, I was able to see my favorite secretary.

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