The old lady on crack

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Swift Wind flies off to see razz, the old lady on crack cocaine. Swift Wind visits her a lot and that was the only good thing he ever did in the show.

Swift Wind flies down to see his friend and supply her with some white powder that she claimed was flour.

"Hey razz." Swift Wind shouts and lands.

"Ah swift wind, did you bring the stuff?" Razz asks.

Razz knew Swift Wind was a fucking idiot so she asked him to get her the crack that keeps her alive.

Swift wind pulls a small plastic bag from his hair and gives it to razz.

"Why is it so small?" Swift Wind asks.

Razz wanted to kill this annoying horse. Mara was Razzes original supplier. Ever since Mara decided to commit aliven't, Razz had to use a horse for her addiction.

"Razz I need to ask you something." Swift Wind says.

Razz didn't want to talk to swift wind, she just wanted to get high but this is the price she has to pay for her crack.

"Yes, Swift Wind dearie, what is it?" Razz asks.

"I have a crush and I don't know what to do about it." Swift Wind says

"Well, does he know you like him?" Razz asks.

Razz knew about his crush because she accidentally saw his perverted thoughts while trying to tune him out.

"No, but I want him to know. I want to have kids with him." Swift Wind says.

Razz has never wanted to die more in her life than she wants to right now. Razz decides to fuck everything up for Swift Wind because she was planning on overdosing later.

"Swift Wind, make a big ceremony out of it. You have to tell everyone that you love this man." Razz says.

Razz knew Micah didn't like Swift Wind, I mean who does? He's an annoying ass horse.

"Thats a great idea! Thanks razz!" Swift wind says and gallops away.

Razz went into her meth lab and snorted up the cocaine and knew Swift Wind would be heart broken.

Real love. Swift wind x MicahWhere stories live. Discover now