HNA 23

946 37 3

"So you remembered?" I said and chuckled, he just clicked his tongue and look away

"Why you didn't ask me if I remembered you?!" he asked, I scratch the back of my neck.

"Well, I thought you forgotten about me already so i just go with the flow" I answered innocently that made his face look at me

He rolled his eyes and finally sit beside me "Don't get any wrong idea, I just want to kill time" he said, I nod

"Hai Hai" I said and started to look again in the sky, "But why did you also not ask me if I remembered you?" I asked and look at him

He look at me with his neutral face "Because I thought you might just like (Y/N)-nee-san" he said that made me laughed

He got annoyed when I laughed at him, then a planned pop up onto my head, I stood up

Katsuki look at me confused "Let's grabbed a drink? like before?" I said looking at him

He blink a few times then stood up too which made me smile even more "D-don't get any wrong idea! I'll kill you!"

He said as soon as I walk away while he's following, I laughed and look at him "You can't kill me"

I said that made him even more angry.

"But I wish you can" I mumbled made him look at me "What?! you're eating your words!"


                        Time skip

Katsuki and I arrived at the cafe shop near by, not just an ordinary cafe shop.

It's the cafe shop that i always brought him since he was a child, this brought me memories.

"Wow, it didn't changed" I said and look at Katsuki beside me, he simply nod and look around too

"Yeah, the tables are still orange like before" he said with a neutral face and look at me

When we made eye contact he quickly blush and look away before walking in the cashier left me dumbfounded.

What was that?

I followed him, the female employee look at us and smile "Hi good afternoon, may I take the order of the couple?"

She greeted, our eyes widened and look at each other


"O-OH! we're not a couple" I said and look at her

Her eyes widened and quickly bowed to us "I'm so sorry" she said made me shook my head as it's okay

"I'm sorry, too for what he said" I said and made an slighty bowed

"Yeah, whatever. Can we take a (your favorite drink) and iced caramel macchiato" Katsuki said while looking at the female employee

He remembered my favorite drink? while I'm still looking at him while ordering I was smiling

He really did remembered my favorite drink and me, this is the one of Katsuki side I know...

"Oh that will be ***** yen, sir" the female employee said, I pick up my wallet in my pocket

But when I was about to pick up a yen I saw Bakugou paying already the bill which made me look at him

"Let me pay for my drink"

I said and about to gave the money on the female employee but Bakugou stopped me

"Your always treating me when I was a child, at least let me pay the treat you always give me" he said calmly, I blink a few times

And sighed, I guess I'll let this aside for now, I nod before putting back my wallet in my pocket "Okay, it will take five minutes" she said

I nod and thank her before we grabbed a seat.

Katsuki is sitting infront of me while we are waiting our drinks, we sit beside on the glass wall so we can see what on the outside.

I smiled at Katsuki "How are you?" I asked made him look at me, he raise his eyes brows before answering

"I'm fine" he said a mere seconds silence he started a topic "You really did not changed"

He said I chuckled before nodding "Yeah, and you changed...a lot? " I said before started grinning

"It's that an insult?!" he said with his usual angry tone, I laughed at him and smile

Our order came, I started drinking my drink while looking outside.

"Are you not gonna ask?" I said without looking him, Katsuki look at me confused while sipping his drink

He blink a few times "What do you mean?" he asked and look outside too

I smiled before stopping drinking my drink "Like why I'm studying in U.A.?" I said

Katsuki look at me like we wanted to say something but he decided not to and just continued drinking his drink

"Well at least you have a goal in your life" he said calmly and look again outside "You've been wanting to do something, right?"

I nod at him agreeing

"That's mean all of our teacher knows your secret?"

He asked that made me look at him and nod "Yeah, and they still accepted me studying there"

I answered and look at him, Katsuki look at me while sipping his drink while I just smiled at him

"You've grown a lot, Katsuki-kun" I said and smile once again, he's eyes widen and look away

He look away because he was hiding the pinkish blush on his cheeks. "I'm glad that I met you when you're still a child"

I said and smile widely "You were so cute back then!" I said made him look at me annoyed

"S-shut up!" he said angrily that made me laughed and continued drinking my drink

I place my arm in the table and look closer to him made him confused "What?!" he asked

I slowly smiled and shook my head "Let's go for a walk after?" I asked, he rolled his eyes

"Fine, but for the last time don't get any wrong Idea!, nee-san" he said made my eyes winded then slowly smile

"Hai, but just call by my name, (Y/N), our classmates might be confused if they hear you" I said and sip again

He clicked his tongue "Yeah, whatever" he said and drink again

I clench my teeth and sighed. A flashback pop out of my head that made me laughed all of a sudden

Katsuki look at me confused "Why are laughing?!" he asked annoyed, I look at him and stop

"Nothing, i just remembered the day that I accidentally fall and we were just laughing for about 5 minutes?"

I said that made him thinking about it and let a silent chuckled--which is rare.

"Yeah" he said, I started laughing and a few seconds he started laughing too thinking that flashback.

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