HNA 57

407 17 2

The written exam is finally over after three days of taking it and I can say I did pretty well

Thanks to Izuku because when I had a difficult time studying the subject he'll help me by teaching me on our free time.

And then, it was the day of the practical exam.

We are now gathered in the Practical exam area, the center plaza with Aizawa sensei

Not only him but our other teachers as well left us confused but just listen of what Aizawa sensei going to say

Aizawa sensei started talking about the practical exam begins, he said that it's possible to fail this exam, he remind us that if we want to go to the training camp, then don't make any stupid mistakes.

Jirou commented that their so many teachers in there

That's why Aizawa sensei said that he expect that we already know what are we going to do in the test, which is fighting combat just like Kendo said

Kiminari said that we already know that we're fighting at robots while Mina started to celebrate.

But then principal Nezu appeared in Aizawa sensei scarf in his neck and started saying that we're not going to fight at robots

For various issues, the exam will be different. He said that they want us to focus from one on one combat and hero work, and stress teaching that is closer to actual fighting.

He said that, that's why we going to fight against one teacher.

"Against...the teacher?" I said wearing a neutral face, all of us are shocked of course we didn't expect that.

Are we even had a chance to passed?

"In addition, the pair who pair to each pair will be up against have already been decided. These were determined at my discretion based on various factors, including fighting style, grades and interpersonal relationships, so they are:" Aizawa sensei said

He started saying all the pair and who is the teacher that their opponents, first, Todoroki and Yaoyorozu in one team versus Aizawa sensei

And Midoriya and Bakugou are a team, the two of them look at each other surprised and shocked

And so am I, how....they can passed if the two of them are in one team?!

And their opponent is All Might who appeared in front of us from the sky.

"I it" he said as he landed, Midoriya and Bakugou looked at him I could say their scared "All Might?" they said in unison

"Y-you must be kidding me" i said looking at All Might before looking at the Bakugou and Midoriya.

"Work together to beat me, you two" All Might said, Midoriya look at Bakugou scared while Bakugou look at him annoyed.

After that principal Nezu started announcing all pairs and their opponents.

He gave us a direction that we have a thirty minutes limit in our exam, our objective is to put a handcuff to our teacher or to have one of us scape from the stage

Capture our teacher or scape...

Of course the higher score is to put Handcuff in our teacher.

All of them paired into two but I am the only one who had no partner.

"Sensei? (Y/N), had no team-mate yet?" Asui asked, I look at Principal Nezu and nod.

"Oh, for (Y/N) she'll not having a partner" Nezu said made my head tilt into confusion.

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