Chapter 3; Surprise from Jaiden

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After when YN woke up, Jaiden was gone, she left a note, it said;

" I'll be back in a few hours
Love Jaiden "

Which surprised YN how Jaiden wrote that, and how it said, " Love Jaiden" YN started thinking..

YN: " Well..... What does this mean by... " Love Jaiden " ....? I mean, he- "

Jaiden: " I have something for you!~ Close your eyes!~ "

- YN closed their eyes -

- Jaiden puts the adopted paper on the table -

Jaiden: " Open ur eyes.. "

YN: " O-Oh my g-god!!.... Your the best Jaiden!!!!! "

- YN hugged Jaiden -

YN: " How you- heh? "

Jaiden: " Can't tell ya! "

- Jaiden Smiles and hugs YN-

YN: - Confusion- " Ok..? "

Jaiden: " Maybe wanna get somewhere to eat and hit the road? Before that monster comes out! "

- YN and Jaiden laughs -

YN: " Maybe from.... Starbucks? " - Shrugs-

Jaiden: " Awesome pick! "

- While YN and Jaiden were packing up, YN had an uneasy feeling in where the stomach was at. -

Jaiden: " Are you okay YN? "

YN: " Yah..... Just a bit, hungry......? "

Jaiden: " Well, Lets pick up the pace then! "

- YN started clutch so the n o I s e doesn't come out-

Jaiden: You've must be very hungry then.

- YN nods -

- After packing and leaving the Hotel, Jaiden helped YN in the car, and drove off.

- Jaiden drove to Starbucks and ordered breakfast -

YN: -After eating - " Heh.... Well... That was good.... How many miles until we are at Arizona..? "

Jaiden: " About.. 15 miles away from Arizona... "

~ End of Chapter 3 ~

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