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Ooouuuuuuuuuu! I've been waiting for this moment in like forever. Let's see who get's beaten. I'm rooting for Blue.

Place your bets people🤞🤪


“Let me go!” I shouted trying to kick him but his hand was tightly clenched on my neck as he pinned me on the wall.
He was about to rip my clothes off when I made my first attempt at salvation by kicking his balls to no avail.
I missed and he tossed me to the pavement.

I could see that his anger had increased tenfold and my options would be very limited if he was to pin me down.

I tried to get up and run though I could clearly see he was blocking the way but taking a chance wouldn’t have cost me anything.
At least I thought that until he landed a punch on my gut and my legs gave out. He was on me before I could get up once more.
He had me pinned down. He straddled me and held my hands together as he proceeded to rip my crop top off his eyes staring at his prize in utter admiration. This was all my fault for indulging him in the club. I should...

“Please,” I know begged as I realized he was not going to stop. I was drunk and high hence my body was not so cooperative.
My bones didn’t understand that I had to get this fucker off me.
He ran his slimy tongue on my breasts and proceeded to rip the rest of my clothes off savoring each moment. When he plunged into me it dawned on me what I had become and I surrendered to the pain.

“Nick wake up,” I heard him calling onto me as he shook me to reality.
I could see the concern in Vic’s eyes and he took me into his arms and held me.
I had been crying in my sleep again. It was at these times that I felt I belonged to him or had a chance with him.
It was at these times that I forgot all my fears, my weaknesses, when I was with him. That I forgot I was a monster, I was made a monster.
The same way I feel it now and every time that he holds me in his arms.
I was staring at Vic ready for another round when the alarm went off and he wore that sinister smile of his.
The bitch had fallen for his bait.

As I walked along the corridors I couldn’t help but count the guards whom she had taken down.
Trained ex-military. Fuck, some even served in covert ops. Who was she exactly?

“What if she’s a Trojan horse?” Nick asked also amazed by the number of guards she had managed to put down. Well it did cross my mind that she might have been put there for me to find but what I didn’t count on was her skill.
I knew she was good but not this level of good. Who the fuck trained her?
We walked to the docks and I couldn’t help but smile as I watched her boat coming back.
From the distance I could feel her anger and it seemed as if the sea understood it too for the waves were violent.
The wind was also howling in a rhythm similar to that of her pained and angry expression.
She was in all black and her hair blended so nice with the darkness. I couldn’t help but notice it didn’t suit her.
Her eyes on the other hand, blue was definitely her color. There was something amiss though.
Maybe that’s what I couldn’t see all along, she must have changed certain aspects in her face that is why the database couldn’t recognize her.
But her prints, how could she change her prints.

The freaking dark web couldn’t trace her. Maybe she just didn’t exist at all.
I watched her as she left the engine of the boat running and jumped off.

She had not tossed out the doll, she was still carrying it like a child and it seemed she had not realized it too.

When she saw me look at it she ripped it off and threw it in the sea. She walked up to me and raised her hand to punch me but Nick caught her hand midair though I did not flinch. I just wore that smug look that made her so mad.

She wasn’t intending on stopping there as she turned her anger towards Nick and punched her on the gut momentarily knocking air out of her system as Nick coughed and her legs gave out.

I stepped back to give them space. Was it so bad that I wasn’t rooting for Nick? She took a boxing stance and Nick a tigress stance.

Well at least they were both aware that each of them was a worthy opponent.
I watched them intently as they engaged in hand to hand combat totally ignoring the pretense of the weapons laying around, courtesy of my dead guards.
Blue was fast with her fists but her feet, she was not using them that much probably because they had not regained their effectiveness completely thus giving Nick an advantage.
Nick was aiming mostly for her face, which I didn’t so much support because yes it would make her disoriented but it would take time for her to feel the pain.
I could see Blue was so much on blocking Nick’s fists and kicks but she missed some.
Then I noticed it, Nick slowed down and left an opening to her right side where Blue aimed and kneed her liver.

Nick was on the ground once more in a crouching position but Blue didn’t stop there as she straddled her. Well, it was a good fight but big mistake. Nick’s adrenaline instantly shot up and she broke Blue’s hand and turned the tables on her.
Nick straddled her and delivered her punches with so much speed and ferociousness that Blue couldn’t handle it.

She tried to block them to no avail so it ended with me ripping Nick off her.
As soon as I did that Blue was trying to get on her feet once more but she was too weak, she kept on falling. She finally decided on sitting down and trying to regain her breathe.
I crouched in front of her and asked her once more,
“What is your name?” This time she was courteous enough to look at me and spit.

At least we were making progress, I thought. This is going to be a long night. I grabbed her by the hair and tossed her into the freezing water. I didn’t let go of her hair but I made sure her head was dunked inside.

She was struggling to get out but I was intending on getting to the end of this tonight. I pulled her out when she stopped moving and performed cpr instantly. I could fell a couple of her ribs cracking. I was almost lost when I was doing the breathing part but she coughed out the water on time. When she was fully conscious I asked once more

“What is your name?” I said emphasizing each word.
She smiled and I dunked her in once more.
Maybe she was made not to break but I was made to break unbreakable people.
When she was unconscious once more I pulled her out and performed cpr.

I was sure I had broken a couple of more ribs once more but once I set my mind on something, I couldn’t stop. I needed to get her name.

I made her look at me once more and was about to bring Tristan into the mix when I noticed the red leaf that had gotten stuck in her hair.

Then I saw it, the fiery hair, the blue eyes, the black dress. It was her. I suddenly let her go as if I had been burnt and fell on my ass.
I stared at her in utter shock as I tried to make out the face of a stranger once more but it was her.
I rushed to my office instantly to confirm my fears.
I could hear Nick hot on my heels but I did not pay heed to her.

I had to get to my office, I had to make sure. My heart was pumping so fast that I was afraid my ribcage would break.
As soon as I got in I was rummaging through my desk and I found it. It’s her, it hit me as I looked at the picture for the millionth time.
That’s why I knew her, Fuck! I screamed as I tossed everything that was on my desk to the floor. Nick stood there confused but I was in no condition to explain.
I had broken my promise, my word was my bond and I had broken it. I fell to my knees and couldn’t helped it but scream, I had fucked up.

Though lost in my thoughts I felt Nick hesitantly kneel beside me and wrapped her hands around me in an attempt to calm me.
I didn’t fight her off and fell into her embrace.


Where's the author of this book?
Come here and face me😭

How could they do that to her?
Isn't Vic supposed to be Blue's prince charming or whatever?


Ok y'all am starting a petition to kick this author's but🤧
How dare you?

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