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Six months ago my sister sent me a letter.

“Dear Katerina
Two months ago I met the most handsome man on earth.
He is American, blue eyes, dirty blonde hair, physically he’s a snack sister. I didn’t hesitate when he took me out and I gave myself to him. I was under his spell sister. After a few weeks of a wild affair he left. Disappeared into thin air. I was so broken. I thought of taking my life several times but I couldn’t go through with it. Then I fell ill, or so I thought. Nausea, cramps and I went to the doctor only to find out I was pregnant. So I went to America to find the father of my child. I didn’t know where to start as it slowly dawned on me he didn’t reveal any of his personal information to me. That didn’t stop me sister, where there is a will, there is a way right. I remembered something I read on his laptop, it was about a shipyard in Miami. I went there and I found it. I asked around about him but it seemed no one had any idea who he was or they just couldn’t tell me because two days later I found him in my rental room. I was the happiest woman in the world when I jumped into his arms and told him of my pregnancy. His eyes didn’t light up as I had expected and he was more of angry. He told me to remove it but I couldn’t. He choked me and told me if I don’t remove it by the end of the day he was going to gut me and pull the baby out himself. I decided to go back to Italy hoping he wouldn’t follow me and I would keep the baby. I had barely made my way into the airport when I was kidnapped and on waking up I found myself in a theatre. They were going to kill my baby and I had only one card left to play. I am sorry sister but I had to tell him what he would have if I were to give birth with him. I gave him my identity and he verified everything. He has been holding me captive for the last one month and I am scared sister. I have been holding off the fact that he needs a male heir in the hopes that it would buy me more time. Katerina, I am to be wed to this monster and I know as soon as I give birth and he gets hold of father’s wealth I will be worthless to him. He'll find out that wedding me isn't a necessity as so many have been lead to believe. I need your help, I am so sorry.
Your sister
Masha Rostov

I left out the part that my sister was the real Masha with the hope that Vic would help me if he thought I was my elder sister.
I also didn't point out the fact that marriage wasn't a necessity to acquire the Rostov wealth. The less people knew the better.

“I got the letter five months later. I landed in Miami the same day and it took me a week to track down my sister’s location.

I got into contact with her and planned the escape and that was it.
She was killed in the airport and here I am with one of her children.” I said as I cuddled Tristan.
"I really don't know why Xander killed her considering the favt that he'd need to be wed to her to access the Rostov empire." I added as a tear escaped from it's confines when I thought of Masha but I just wiped it aa fast as possible.

“What do you mean one?” Vic asked worry written all over his face.
"What?" I asked having got lost in my grief.
"You said you have one..."

“Ooh! Xander has my niece or nephew, but the child is nothing to him without me or my sister."

“What happened to you Masha? I came back and I found your home was destroyed and the two of you were nowhere to be found.”

“I don’t remember.” I said hoping he would tell me what his deal with my sister was.

“You don’t remember me?” he asked as he stood up and got closer.
“No,” I said as he knelt in front of me and looked at me with so much, was that love, no way.

“I loved you?” I asked him unsure of his reaction. He chuckled once and turned his attention back to me once more.
“You despised me, because your father promised you to me. You were dressed in a black dress when your father introduced us.” He said smiling at the memory.

Boom! Now I remember, but Masha’s description was so off chart. He was not at all old and shabby, he was perfect.
Now it all made sense why I felt the sense of familiarity towards him. He had once broken into my room thinking it was Masha's and scared the life out of me. That was the first time we met face to face.

“You can go, far away, somewhere I can’t find you. You probably shouldn’t tell anyone in case I fall into Xander’s hands. I’ll get you passports with Tristan.” He said and stood up to leave.

“Save my niece or nephew, please,” I requested him and he just gave me a nod and left.
I held Tristan and I knew what I had to do, I had to get us to a secure place.

I was packed within the next hour and on a boat leaving the island for the first time in months.
Maybe in another alternate universe this was home because it definitely felt like it.
I couldn’t risk Tristan or I falling into the wrong hands and for that I had to run.
I looked over the new passports Vic had gotten for us identifying Tristan as my son.
I would ditch them as soon as we landed wherever we were going to land.

The guards escorted us to the airport and they left us in the waiting room. Vic had given me specific instructions that no one not even him was to know where we would go and I knew why. If Byron got his hands on him or any of his men he would torture the information out of them.

The risk was just not worth it.
I strapped Tristan to my chest and took only one bag out of the luggage and left the airport through another exit.
I headed to the nearest train station and the next four hours was spent jumping from one train to the other ensuring that I had no tail.
I honestly doubted Vic would let me go just like yhat with no assurance of my safety and I was right.

Alehandro was following me but eventually he lost us in the crowd.
I hoped that one day we might relieve the fact that I was practically better at him in everything.

As soon as I got off our tenth train for the day I took a bus to the middle of nowhere and then another to somewhere and boarded a flight to South Africa.

I had no known affiliations there nor did my family.
To me it was the last place they’d ever think of looking and it would have to do for our new home. As I watched Tristan asleep in my arms a dreadful feeling crept in the depths of my heart.

Two hours into the flight I was finally able to fall asleep because I knew we were safe.

No longer together.

Even though it's for the best I still don't like it.

They'll meet again though, right.
Hopefully not in bodybags or sth.

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