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"You know what Nima, let me tell you my story.
I have never shared this with anyone because that was a time when I was weak.
Let me tell you why I am so good in my business, why there's no trace of anything illegal that I do. Why my books are so perfect. Why I am able to relate so well to all parties both in the 'unrighteous world', why I am so cold." Xander said as he took a seat and took a puff from his cigar then leaned his head back on the chair inhaling deeply.

Here we go, pity party as if I was going to sympathise or empathise with him. It's not as if I am cold hearted, I simply have no heart when it comes to matters regarding Xander.

"I had parents you know, two fucking loving parents, a mum and a dad. I had the perfect life with them not like your boy there who was just trash to his sperm donor," he said spitting on the ground in contempt.

"I was loved Nima, we were not rich but we were happy, I was happy. Five years into life, I got a little sister. She became my mission in life, to love, to protect, to care for.
I loved her more than anything in this world and I was going to give her that I was sure off.
I was gifted with a photographic memory, hyperthymesia they called it. So when it came to books dang, I was good. Dad was an accountant and he would tell me that this was a skill I had to perfect.
He would give me long numbers, series, sequences, logarithms and then I would write them down after a few days, months.
By the time I was ten I could read a thousand word book and recall every word. I liked Math more because of dad." He said then took another puff and closed his eyes as he inhaled.
He must have been reminiscing the memories.

"That day mum came to get us from school and I could see the fear in her eyes. She put us in the car and we drove for days state to state all the while she didn't tell us nothing. We would sleep in the car as for her she would just take power naps and keep on driving. Then I saw it, Texas. I was so excited that I was going to meet cowboys and ride a sleek black horse. My sister wanted a pony and mum promised that as long as we behaved she would get her one. She did. In a couple of hours we had driven into a ranch and I was just at awe at the animals you know, cattle, pigs, chicken, it was exciting for a city kid like me. When we got to the house daddy ran out and embraced us. We were finally together. I was so happy you know. I had panicked at first thinking that we were running from something, I was ten not an idiot but seeing my daddy there I knew it was going to be okay." He exhaled then stood up and walked closer to me.
My wrists were hurting like hell, perks of being chained to the ceiling, right. He proceeded to caress my face and I could see the pain in his eyes. He was not a complete psychopath, then he smiled, but maybe he's a certified emotion manipulator.

"We lived in that ranch for two weeks, I got my horse of course. At the dead of the night Nima, when we were all asleep peacefully, they broke in. We were all dragged from our rooms and my dad could not fight back as they had taken Terra and I first. The love for a child, huh! The big boss came in after all had been prepared.

'Where is my money, he asked' but father, he couldn't risk it. He was not sure that we would be safe if he spoke. Where is my money, he asked once more but father begged him to let us go then he would take him to his money. The guy got so mad, so he signaled for them to take my mother right there in front of us and I couldn't even shield my sister from the horror. They took turns on her and she just begged father not to say for our sake. Death would have been a better option and the gods finally heard my wish and they broke her neck.
I think she would make a better snack, the big boss said as he touched my sister. My little sister Nima, my five year old sister. He held her by the neck and she looked at me for help but I was tied up. My father gave it up. He gave them the account number and password so that they could get their money afterwards. You know what big boss did next, he asked as he smiled and looked at me expectantly to indulge in his whims.
"He fucked you," I said and he just laughed.
"Ooooh, you're so hilarious, actually no. He shot my sister, then shot me and then father. He killed us." The end, he said then clapped for himself. Did he think that he was a ghost or something? I asked myself as I watched him keenly.

"I mean I have had this epic narration going on in my head for months and I think it will make an award winning novel, don't you think so too. He said as he waited for an answer expectantly.
I just looked at him as if he was mad and he gave me the 'oh well look,' I guess I shouldn't have ordered the men to rape her that was the idea killer for you right? Kim, please make sure I change that part, he shouted at his guard and returned his attention to us. Wait that's not the book, oh it's about my accountant. I get these stories so mixed up," he said as he hit his head as if that was going to get him straight.
"Unfortunately, I am just a certified psychopath darling," he said as he burnt me again with the cigar. I could smell my own flesh and I just passed out. What I knew was that I was not going to give him Tristan.
My niece was nothing to him and I had been shocked that he didn't get rid of her when he found out she was a she.


I had lost count of the days that I had been here again.

I had persevered everything they had done to me and they still managed to find Vic.

The last thing I wanted was to put his life in danger. All I wanted was to save him and she ruined my plan.

Why did she have to give up her life for mine and Vic's? Pretending to be so righteous but I was sure she had an end game.
My mind took me back to the first time we met, Vic and I.

It was after I was raped and discarded on the streets like a worthless piece or shit.
I remember the garbage guys waking me up after I'd been tossed in the trash by that animal.
I was covered in blood and his stink and I knew I couldn't go back to my sister's place like that.
I couldn't stand her judgmental and pitiful stare nor let my nieces see me like this so I made my choice.
I wasn't going back, ever.

I was tired of being a burden ever since I came back from the military.
Things had gone awry for me there and I had been dishonorably discharged after I was caught peddling drugs to the other militants.

I know that was a stupid thing to do but I had to keep my mind occupied due to the horrors. Getting high with others was the way to do it, or so I thought.
I came back an addict, brought dishonor and shame to my father who had prepared me all my life to join the military. My mother had passed away before he could get a son so he made me just that.
When my sister was being a cheerleader I was being trained on hunting skills.
When she was playing with other kids I was at the shooting range and when she was enrolled into med school I was enrolled in the army.
I did my best and rose in several ranks until I couldn't take it anymore. My father said he didn't raise a weakling so he forced me to go to the second, third, fourth tour until I gave out.
As soon as I was discharged dishonorably he disowned me. He kicked me out and my sister was left to pick up the pieces. I guess that's why Vic and I get along so well.

I got out of the trash in my ripped clothes which didn't cover anything.
I made up my mind to jump from an abandoned warehouse on Sixth Street. It was a great suicide spot, the daily news had proved it as almost each day a body was cleaned from there.
I didn't have any other choice.
I was just a disappointment to everyone.
I walked through the alleys to avoid the sneers and judgmental stares from the people.
When I got there my objective was clearer than ever. I took the stairs to the highest floor and jumped.
Well, I tried but someone grabbed my foot and I was dangling off the ledge.

"Let me go," I cried out in hope that this stranger would get on with his business and grant my wish.
Most people when jumping off high places to commit suicide usually regret it by the time they hit the ground but I wanted this.
I had grasped onto the feeling of peace for the first time in a long time and he was holding me back.
He suddenly began pulling me up and in no time I fell on him and we landed on the pavement.
When I laid sight on his eyes I knew he was my salvation.
I could see it, I don't know how but I could.
He gave me a heartwarming smile and that was one of the kindest things anyone had ever given me.
It was just a smile but it was so much to me.
I broke into tears and he held me as I cried my eyes out and never asked for answers.

That was my Vic.


Aaaaaaaaw! Vic's a good egg.

Xander on the other hand, wueeeeh😂😂😂😂😂

PARTNERED WITH THE BILLIONAIREजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें