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My flight landed in Mexico within hours of Masha’s departure and I just hoped that she would be safe.
I was going to make sure that this Xander dude never disturbed her peace and the only way to do that was to get him six feet under.
I thought as I strapped the knife to my ankle and ensured that my FN Five-seven was well holstered as well as the bullets were adequately loaded into the chamber.

It was unusual for me to doubt my ability to load a gun but today it felt different.
I was fighting for someone. I was risking my life for someone. Something nobody ever did for me.

I ran my fingers through the gun and I loved it due to its ability to penetrate many types of body armor.
I checked on Nick’s Armatix iP1 which require a fingerprint enabled watch within 25cm of it to fire.
It was hilarious how easy it was for her to lose her grasp while holding her gun accidentally or when kicked out.
So the best way to still maintain an advantage over her opponent was to ensure he couldn’t use the gun against her.
Only she could fire it. I took a deep breath as my men and I got into the Suvs and drove to the rendezvous point.

I knew it was a set up but I had to get Nick and Masha's niece or nephew.

It was a valley like place but it was forested and some high grounds were seen.
Obviously snipers were spread out waiting for Xander’s command. I knew that's what I'd do.

The vehicle came to a standstill and Kim opened the door for me and I stepped out, crinching at the extremity of the heat.

Xander sat on a makeshift tent and watched me as I walked towards him. He didn’t make me go through a pat down and this confirmed my fears, he had no intention of letting me leave without a good fight.

I studied his posture and that told me everything I needed to know about his physique and ability to fight.
His arms were well toned and muscular, same to his legs showing that he spent time at the gym.
His left hand was closer to his hip where I noticed the slight buldge, gun obviously.
The combat boots he wore must also have been strapped with a knife, well maybe we were birds of the same feather.
He also wasn't wearing any bulletproof vest, I just hoped I wouldn't miss.
I took a seat opposite him and he maintained eye contact with me as the smirk on his face became more prominent.

“Nice to meet you,” he said as he extended his hand towards me for a shake.
Well it could be a trick and he would poison me, break a finger, or even drive a knife through it.
I didn’t know him so I couldn’t say that I had any idea of how low he would go so I ignored him and got straight to business.

“Where is she?” I asked and waited for him to bring her out. He snapped his fingers and his guy handed him a cooler transport box.
He put it on the table and Xander pushed it towards me. I took a deep breath as my mind was in a whirlwind.

I didn’t open it fully but when I saw the dark lock on the head I just shut the box. Xander broke into a laugh as he clapped his hands, “you do care,” he said as he read my expression of horror and pain.

He clapped his hands one more and someone dragged Nick from the car. He had a tight grip on her hair and her clothes were all rugged.
Her feet couldn’t even make clear steps and her face was hidden from my gaze.

I sat down patiently as he walked towards me and tossed her on me.
I caught her before she fell down and cleared the hair from her face to ensure it was really her.
Her eyes were lifeless as her face bore numerous bruises.
I untied her and removed the shirt I was wearing and put it on her.
My heart was thumping so hard that it almost tore out of its cage.
“Now give me mine,” Xander commanded.

Nick was sobbing in my embrace and I put the watch on her left hand as I ensured she had a good grip on the gun.
I knew she was in no condition to fight but with Nick you can never be sure.
I gave Mikael a nod and he headed to the car and carried her out.
Her face was drawn into the crook of his arm so her face could not be seen clearly.
One of the others carried out a bundle pretending it was a child.
Xander got to his feet and was impatient. As soon as they got to the table he lunched for the child but the girl shot him.
Right on his chest. Everything was quiet as we waited for his lifeless body to fall so that the bullets could start flying but it didn’t.
Xander grabbed her neck and broke it and Mikael was down before I could fire my first shot.

It was like he had been charged, electrified because he was suddenly a killing machine with a knife and is bare hands.

I stood up only to hear a beeping sound and sat back down within seconds Nick still in my arms. Xander’s bodyguard grabbed my gun and Nick’s as I watched all my people fall like flied as the bombs went off. It was that kind of trap.

Xander turned his attention towards me and I couldn’t do anything. I was sitting on a fucking pressure plate.

“Let’s see how long you sit there until you give me what I want,” he said as he sat back and just watched me. I had under estimated him. Something I   also noticed was his pained expression obviously due to the bullet.
Whichever kind of bullet proof vest he had on didn't deter the pain and a bruising he was bound to have.

I thought as I held Nick tighter and contemplated letting the bomb blow us up into pieces, as long as Masha was safe, right?
What amused me was his level if control and patirnce. Well not amusement only but a cold shiver ran through my spine.

“Nick,” I whispered as I inhaled her scent that was just blood and dirt.
“Shhh, she hushed me as she raised her head to finally look at me and she smiled. “You came for me, that’s all that matters,” she said as a tear fell from her left eye. Her right one was too swollen.

“I love you Vic,” she said and pecked me on the lips.

“Aaaaw!” Byron said as he clapped and wiped a fake tear from his eye.
It had been two hours and my mind was made up. We would just have to do with blowing up. However before we did that I needed to know what her message meant.

“15610,” I whispered to her.
“Fifteenth, July, two thousand and ten,” she answered and shame washed all over me. That was the day that man…

“Is it…,” I made to ask but Nick interrupted me as she spoke out.
“In exchange for Vic’s life, I’ll find her for you,” Nick said as she made to get out of my lap but I pulled her back.

“No!” I told her but it seemed she had her mind made up already.
“I am the best when it comes to hunting Xander, spare Vic and I’ll bring Nima and the child to you,” she said still in my embrace.
I stood up suddenly and waited for us to blow but nothing.

“No,” I said as Xander stood and Nick moved towards him.
“You have a week,” he said then his guard threw the our guns at us and they left for his car leaving Nick and I standing in the looming darkness.

“Don’t,” I whispered as she stared at me and whispered an apology. As she bent to pick up her gun I took mine and aimed it at her.
"I can't let you Nick," I said taking a deep breathe preparing to fire but for some reason I just couldn't pull thr trigger.
I had promised to protect Masha and if this was the cost, so be it. I psyched myself as I tried to fire but I just couldn't.
Nick stood there immobile as she waited for me to do it.
I could see her eyes brimming with tears and she was gone.
I fell on my knees and let out a scream.
I had to kill Xander if I was to save any of them, I thought as I picked up my gun.
I knew Nick would find Nima first so I didn’t think of competing with her or stopping her. I now knew I couldn't because as much as I would like to deny it Nick was stuck in my heart.
I was barely on the tarmac road when I felt the sting on my neck and was rendered unconscious.


🥳Atleast he found Nick.
She finally admitted her feelings openly.

Vic did too throuh his actions.

So emotional.

Can we talk about Xander's bulletproof vest though, lije daaaaaam! Dude's technology is top notch.
His skills, pheeeeew🥶

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