Chapter 1: Season Of The Witch

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The mood in Little Hope was calm, still and quiet. There was a sort of relaxing feel to the town now that the murders had stopped and they were in the past. However, although the mood was neutral, the weather was not. There was still piles of snow lining most streets from the winter just gone and there was currently a thunderstorm raging high up above in the night sky. The wind was powerful, pushing all the trees, and anything that wasn't stuck to the ground, to the side like they were part of a limbo contest. Shutters on houses crashed against windows and the ocean swallowed the beaches whole like a starved man would devour a good meal.

No one in Little Hope was out this night. They were tucked away in their homes. Either sat by a fire, the TV or already asleep in bed hoping the weather would be better by the time they wake the next day.

The only people that were out, exposed to the elements, were a woman and man stood up upon one of the tree covered hills that overlooked Little Hope. They watched as the town got beaten down by the storm and at all the tiny little lights that flickered from all the houses. The two of them did not mind the terrible weather because it could not touch them. The storm could only get close before it was forced to the side by some unseen foe. They were completely dry and therefore had no need for umbrellas. It was almost like they were watching through a window. Safe but at the same time, free.

"So?" Spoke the man, breaking the silence between the two of them and the storm. "What do you think?"

"Yes" responded the woman, sounding just as calm as the man. "This is where we'll start."

- • -

The next day, the storm had passed and everything in the town seemed like it was out of place. Most bins had been blown to the next town over and the beaches were covered in the rubbish that didn't make it that far. Mary, the lovable girl from down the lane, was back to her normal self. She was past the trauma that she went through. Sometimes there were times when she would think she saw Johnny through a window or driving past in a car but she knew what had happened to him and she knew there was no coming back from something like that. Mary, Max and her friends were the only ones that knew what actually happened to Johnny. The rest of the town, the police and Christie all assumed he had just left and met someone knew. Of course this left Christie absolutely devastated which made Mary go crazy sometimes, but Mary knew that Christie annoying her was better then Christie getting killed.

Mary was currently at work. The Caravan Park did have a little bit of trouble after it became a crime scene but it all worked out in the end. People were visiting again and business was back to normal. Mary's shift was almost over, she was just waiting for the new girl to arrive so that she could leave. Mary hadn't met the new girl but she had heard she was very nice. Mary was watching the door when she got distracted by Christie walking into the main reception. Christie looked worried but that's what she'd looked like for quite a while now. However, despite her husband trying to kill her, Mary still felt a little guilty that Christie didn't know the truth about what happened.

"Are you still worried about Johnny?" Asked Mary, sympathetically.

"Are you surprised?" Answered Christie. "He goes out one night and then just doesn't come back. What if something happened to him and he couldn't get help? Johnny wouldn't just abandon me and the kids, he wasn't that kind of person."

"I think you'd be surprised by what people can hide from others" said Mary, not really thinking.

"What?" Wondered Christie, confused by what Mary had said.

Mary realised what she had said might be seen as suspicious and then started to panic, luckily, they both then heard the bell ring as the main door closed. Mary and Christie looked over in the direction of the noise and saw a woman stood there with a boy close behind her. Mary assumed it was the new girl from the way she said "hello" so confidently and the way Christie said "so are you ready for your first day?"

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