Chapter 5: Strange

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Silence. A room filled with so many people had never been so silent. Everyone, including the people who had caused the silence, did nothing and said nothing. Soon, some humans started to rejoice whilst others waited for the reactions of the dead. The vampires didn't continue attacking or or flee, they just stood completely still and let the tears of blood run down their faces. Mary and Jake watched as the vampires acted as human as they had ever acted before. Mary went to Max and Jake went to Christian to try and shake them from their trance. Once Jake figured out it was a pointless act, however, he turned in the direction of Lu who was also stood completely still on the other side of the room. He watched as she made eye contact with him and then mouthed the words "I'm sorry" in a way that meant she didn't know what emption to convey. Before Jake could say anything in reply, however, he and the rest of his companions felt a tremendous force start to push them towards the door and out the building. They all landed on the street, hitting their heads and other various body parts in the process. The last thing Jake remembered seeing and hearing is Tabitha finishing off the spell she had just cast and the doors to the Coven slamming shut. Then, everything went black.

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"What the fuck was that?" Shouted Christian.

"Obviously it was a spell" replied Nate, rubbing his temples.

"No shit" added Jade, obviously not that affected with what had happened because her tone still hadn't changed.

"Poor Millie" said India, looking at the dried blood on her hands.

"Poor India?" Said Jade with wide eyes. "What about poor me. This jacket cost £400."

"Sorry to tell you Jade but no one gives a fuck about your jacket" shouted Christian, getting louder closer to the end of the sentence.

Everyone was back at Max's apartment after they had been thrown out by Tabitha. None of them had washed Millie off which meant they all smelt horrible. Mary was in the process of attempting to wipe some off with some tissues but it was a bit pointless. Mary was also sat by Jake who was still unconscious from hitting his head on the concrete so hard.

"You don't have to shout" said Max. "It was a spell, what else did we expect from a witch. She's obviously done it before so she knows it's effective."

"That's the thing, she hasn't done it before" replied Christian.

"What do you mean?" Asked Marge.

"That spell was something new" answered Christian. "Every other time she has done something like this, she just curses the vampires to make them rot until there is nothing left."

"Delightful" said Mary, bluntly.

"She created this new spell which means she's more powerful then I thought" said Christian.

"So what do we do?" Wondered Nate.

"We do it again" replied Christian, not shouting anymore. "But twice as hard."

"What's going to stop her from doing the same thing again?" Asked Max. "Surely she'll expect it."

"Fuck" said Christian through gritted teeth. "I need to think."

As Christian finished speaking, the door to the apartment slid open and Lu ran in. She wasn't covered in blood but she was out of breathe. She had obviously run her from the Coven.

"Where's Jake? Is he ok?" She shouted, looking frantic.

However, before anyone could answer, Christian turned in Lu's direction and sped across the room. He grabbed Lu by the throat and kept going forward until he was pushed her up against the wall behind her. Lu's feet weren't touching the ground and she was grabbing hold of Christian's arm in an attempt to hold herself up so she wouldn't suffocate. Everyone else stood to attention, including Jade who unsurprisingly looked like she was enjoying the show.

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