Chapter 6: The Chain

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The next day, after Lu had left Jake's house and gone back to her own, Tabitha was just as quickly forcing her up and out again. Tabitha and Lu arrived at the Coven where Steven and everyone else were already waiting. Lu was taken a little aback by everyone staring at her when she walked through the door but she didn't think too much of it. Lu stopped walking when she was stood amongst the other Coven members and they all turned when to face Tabitha when she reached the thrown.

"I want everyone to listen closely" said Tabitha. "I have something important to tell you."

"What is it?, What's going on?, Exciting" were all murmurs that came from the group of people.

"Quiet" shouted Steven, giving everyone a dirty look.

"I know you have all been working extremely hard and I am very proud of you for that" said Tabitha. "However, I'm sure some of you have figured out from last night that we aren't as safe as we could be."

"Auntie T what's going on?" Asked Lu.

"Quiet" repeated Steven, now focusing the same dirty look just at Lu who returned one just as quickly.

"It's alright Steven" said Tabitha. "I have decided that we're going to move ahead with my plan sooner then I originally thought."

"Why?" Asked Lu, a little concerned.

"Well, the vampires obviously know how powerful we are and they are scared. And when animals are scared they make irrational decisions" answered Tabitha. "However, to be able to go ahead with my plan at this early of a stage, we're going to need to be more powerful then we currently are. Which means we are going to need more members then we currently have."

"Are we though?" Wondered Lu, her concerns growing. "Can't you just teach us the spell and we'll just focus more."

"I'm afraid that isn't how it works" replied Tabitha. "This spell needs a lot of power and even with us at our bests we can't achieve it. Luckily, I know a spell we can use that will bring us the most promising candidates. Everyone form a circle."

All the Coven members, including Tabitha and Steven, gathered together and made a circle. Tabitha told them the words they would have to repeat and everyone did their best to remember what she said. Tabitha started to chant first and slowly everyone else started to join in. It didn't take long for things to start glowing and smashing. The Coven did this for around 5 minutes until Tabitha stopped. Obviously nothing was going to happen at first because people don't just appear out of thin air.

"So how long until it kicks in?" Asked Lu.

"It already has" answered Tabitha. "Now it just depends on how long it will take them to get here."

Everyone waited around the Coven building, minding their own business and not wanting to leave in case they missed the new members arriving. The first person to arrive took about 10 minutes and instantly everyone recognised her, Lu especially. Everyone watched as Ciara walked through the main door and then stared at everyone.

"What's everyone looking at?" She asked in her natural bitchy tone.

"Welcome" said Tabitha, giving Ciara a hug.

"Thanks" said Ciara. "Now why am I here?"

Lu watched as Tabitha took Ciara to the side and explained everything to her. Lu and Ciara still didn't like each other that much but Lu couldn't help but feel a little safer knowing someone she actually knew was now also part of the Coven. The next person to show was Christie, everyone already knew her as well so there wasn't much need for an introduction. There must not have been very many promising witches in the area, though, because the third and last person to arrive showed up about 5 minutes after Christie. No one really recognised this person at all except for one of them. Claudia instantly leapt forward and hugged the boy. She then kissed him on the cheek and said how happy she was that he was chosen.

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