Chapter 8: In A Black Out

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Lu opened her eyes and felt the sunlight hitting her face through the gap in the curtains. At first she forgot and tried to move but once she felt Jake's arm wrapped around her, she remembered what had happened. Lu couldn't help but smile as she relived the events of last night in her head. She looked over her shoulder and saw Jake's face nestled into her hair. She carefully moved it out the way so she could see his face and once again, she smiled. Lu had seen Jake asleep hundreds of times but this time it was different. It was different because this time they were different. They were no longer Jake and Lu: the friends, but were now Jake and Lu: the lovers. Whether that's all they would be from this point, Lu didn't know. However, she knew that if she had the chance, she would stay with Jake for the rest of their lives.

Jake must have sensed someone watching him and slowly his eyes started to open. As soon as his vision came into focus, he saw Lu's face looking at him. Instantly he smiled, letting her know that he was on the exact same page as her. Jake had been on that page for years now but he didn't care when they got there, just as long as they actually got that far. Jake shifted his body upwards and gave Lu a kiss, which she happily accepted.

"Morning Honey" he said, still smiling and admiring how beautiful Lu was even after just waking up.

"Morning" smiled Lu, blushing a little. Lu also couldn't help but enjoy the sight of Jake's bed head and altogether scruffy demeanor. It was something she could easily get use to.

"How did you sleep?" Asked Jake, slowly sitting up.

"The best I think I've ever slept" answered Lu, also sitting up.

"Glad to hear it" said Jake, giving Lu another kiss. "What time is it?"

"Not sure" replied Lu, turing around to look at the clock on Jake's bedside table. "Oh shit, we're late. We're meant to be getting to Mary's right now."

"Crap" said Jake, getting himself and Lu out of bed.

When the both stood up, they realised they were both still naked. They once again admired the other's body and then got back to what they were doing. Jake quickly found some new clothes and put them on whilst Lu picked up the same clothes she wore yesterday and put them on. Jake quickly sprayed himself with some deodorant and then just as quickly sprayed Lu as well. They went to the bathroom, Jake brushing his teeth and then Lu brushing her as well, using Jake's toothbrush. The two of them ran downstairs and headed for the door. However, as they just about reached it, Paul's voice came from the lounge area.

"And where are you two off to in such a hurry?" He asked.

"We're just going to Mary's again" answered Jake quickly, trying his best not to make it obvious that him and Lu were a lot more touchy feely then usual.

"And what are you going to be doing there?" Asked Paul.

"Just meeting Max and hanging out" answered Jake. "We really have to go because we're already late."

"Alright, well, be careful" said Paul. "We still don't know what happened yesterday."

"Ok, we will" replied Jake, turning and heading for the door.

"Wait" shouted Paul, suddenly. "I want to ask you something quickly."

"Alright" responded Jake, turning around again. "Oh Lu, you head to the car."

"Alright" added Lu, taking the keys from Jake and leaving the house.

"So, what was it you wanted to ask me?" Wondered Jake.

"There's something different about you. You seemed, not off necessarily, but something has changed" said Paul, standing up and looking at his son. "So what is it? What did you do?"

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