The Potatoes and musicals

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A/N How could this not be a thing, I'm literally a theatre kid. Feel free to suggest more!

Aru: Hamilton. Her favorite songs are the upbeat ones with rap, but "Helpless" is up there for reasons she is not sharing. She dances and sings (badly) to them in her room. She used to listen to Mean Girls but stopped after Aiden introduced her to Hamilton.

Aiden: Also Hamilton, except he likes the slower, more emotional songs like "Burn" and "Who Lives, Who Dies, Who Tells Your Story." He really likes dissecting the meaning behind the lyrics. He also definitely sings along to karaoke tracks at home, but he'll deny it.

Brynne: Waitress. Can you imagine a more perfect musical? Both Brynne and Jenna cook as a coping mechanism. Brynne often listens to the album on repeat after a bad encounter with Anila. Her favorite songs are "What Baking Can Do" and "Everything Changes."

Mini: Beetlejuice, 'cause "it's a show about death." Barbara and Lydia are her favorite characters. Lydia's outfit inspires some of Mini's "daughter of death" style. Mini likes to play the album on the piano. Sometimes Rudy comes in and duets her.

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