Chapter 5 we like Fortnite

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alright Chapter 5 is here were almost at 100 reads which is crazy I only started writing this a week ago so hope you guys enjoy this chapter

 suddenly we heard a gunshot, I ducked just in time so it didn't hit me, we saw the attacker, he was cloaked in black, so we couldn't see his face, he was kind of short[ yes some of you may have figured out who this is] he or she tried to shoot again but it was too late I had already knocked the attacker down and took off their mask......................

'' Zoe!!" I screamed. '' how did you get here, and why were you trying to kill me,''. 

"I wanted to teach you a lesson for not letting me on the mission and knocking me unconscious and then kicked me out of the plane", she said, " and I am working with thunder that's how I got here and they know you guys are coming," she said.  I was really mad at this point with Zoe, last mission she tried turning me in, this time she is with the enemy, I couldn't believe it I never thought she would turn to the enemy side I decided to see if I could get her to tell us the plans o thunder. " I bet you don't know what thunders planes are,'' I said trying to get her to reveal the plans. 

'' actually, I do,'' she said and started saying but then caught herself, "ha I'm not that dum ben but you were close," 

''  alright let's return to our ship and get some rest," first I didn't understand why we were going back but then Zoe took out this machine and clicked on the button suddenly she was gone

" wow, mission impossible movies are becoming real,''  Mike exclaimed.

instantly I grasped why Catherine had said we were going to return we weren't actually we just did that that they wouldn't think were coming today, '' alright children lets go to their base and try to see if we ben can figure out there plans," with that we started walking to their base we got and I got to say it was really cool we avoided all the cameras and went inside the vents and started eavesdropping on the conversation going on  

'' bro he stole all my food" we heard someone yell[ I'm sure you guys know who this is you are a real spy school fan]

'' and mine,'' another voice  said I recognized it it was Zoe

" silence'' a different voice said, " how about we talk about our plans that will proceed on the 26th. crap I thought to myself we have 3 days to do this, '' um boss I really don't think you should have said when our  planes are someone is spying on us,'' 

" RIPLEY!! the leader said 

'' what the hell you guys have spidey senses on yr hacking,'' I said and ran out of the vents we ran straight back to the jet we all sighed with relief that we got out of there, " well at least we got some information we know when their plans are so that's something tomorrow we will go at 2 am and head out its the time that they will be asleep," Catherine said 

" but they could be expecting us to come at that time so maybe we shouldn't go then,'' I said 

" that's a good point benjamin, but we will take the risk anyhow,''

since there was nothing else to do I went to go eat some food and then played a game of Fortnite with Mike and chip Jawa didn't want to he just went to the arcade and played after an hour Erica came to my room and watched me play for a bit and then asked 

'' what is that game'' she asked 

'' its called Fortnite, it's a game of 100 players, you jump out of the battle bus and be the last one alive or the last team alive to win. and there are loads of different kinds of guns, like Tommy guns,m 16,  ak-47, hunting rifles, berrta m9, and more, and there is also a building feature where you can build for yourself, cover to heal, and have build battles. and also there I many YouTubers that make Fortnite videos, of like challenges, like the secret boat loot challenge, I watch this really good YouTuber he is called Ezra 983, makes really good content and is worth subbing to.[ guys it's worth it to subscribe]  

" hmm sounds like an interesting game I'm going to play and join you guys and sub to Ezra 983 ", she said and went to her room., after a few minutes she was in our party 

'' Erica how did you join us how did you know what to do'', Mike asked

"  I'm a spy its my job to know things'' she replied 

we got into a game I was about to tell her what to press but she said she will figure it out we actually won the game

alright how much kills did each of you get I got 20''

'' What! how I got fife'' mike and chip both said.

''I got 10,'' Erica said 

'' What! how this was your first time,"  '' bc this game is made for good says that's why I and ben are gods at it",

" so that's how ben got so good so quickly'' mike and chip both said 

'' yep i guess you guys got to get better spies I bet Jawa is also good'' Erica said.

a/n: sorry I made zoe a bad  guy but I felt that she isn't with thunder so how  am I going to remove her from the story she would have found another way to Antarctica somehow anyways and it made a good plot basically I don't like Zoe just like I didn't like warren so I was happy when he went to SPYDER  so there won't be much of appearances with him same with Zoe so yeah but in the other fanfiction I write with my friend of ss9 so she will have a huge role if any of you like having zoe in the story 

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