Chapter 10 thwart

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hey guys I just started a new book its called spy school random crap so press on my profile to see it I just released the first chapter so please go check it out no more talking here is the chapter 

25th of April

2 am


thunders base

" ok team we have to somehow stop the missiles and then blow up the ship'',  Catherine said. 

and we ran to the missiles, there were a bunch of thunder agents, there, working on computers getting ready to launch the missiles.

great I thought to myself we have to get through another level

the enemy agent saw us we started fighting them me and mike both teamed up and took out 200. chip and Jawa teamed up also and took out 200 also. Erica and Catherine took out 220. while Trixie just sat on a chair eating popcorn enjoying the show. " good show," she said. 

" Alright now we have to reprogram the missiles is anyone here good at coding," Catherine asked, " Erica do you know. 

" How would I know I'm just a teenager I haven't even learned this in school yet do you know,'' she asked

" I thought it would be one of the crazy things Cyrus taught you," she said

" well I don't think there is anything we can do then

" don't worry the cavalry is here,'' a voice said it was alexander Cyrus and Orion 

" Orion go and reprogram the missiles now," he said and jumped out of the copter. Orion straight away went to the computers and started to reprogram the missiles I watched him do it his hands were flying across the keyboard and just saw tons of numbers on the computer after 15 minutes he was done all we had to do was blow up the ship easy.

" um guys how are we going to blow up  the ship", I asked

" oh no need to worry about that I programmed one of the missiles  to hit the base so all we have to do is run out of here and then the mission is over," Orion said 

but before we could run out of the base Nathan came out of the base AKA my grandpa

" ha you thought Ripley you may have stopped my plans but I'm not letting you get out of here alive," he took out his gun and shot me in the chest and I fell to the ground in pain,

and that is the end of the chapter is ben dead? maybe, maybe not you will find out if I continue the book peace!

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