Chapter 8 capture

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thank you guys so much for 400 reads after this  chapter I'm going to have a QnA at 500

It was  a huge claw on the ship[ yes I'm not kidding you will see why when ben figures out the plans like I said there  was something dum in it but I couldn't think of a different thing]

" Why the hell do they need a giant claw,"  Mike asked.

We headed back to the ship and started discussing what we saw at the base. '' There was a spaceship ton of nukeuler missiles and a giant air blower what could they possibly be plotting,'' Catherine said. 

" I'm sure Ben, will figure it out easily," Erica said. 

" they did have a spaceship, mike said, they are probably doing something in space I have no idea why they have a giant air blower but Ben will figure out soon,'' Mike said everyone chimed in agreement.

       I started thinking about what could they possibly be doing with a giant claw on a space ship and why do they have missiles.  after an hour I couldn't find out anything then Catherine said "we will have to go on a capture mission we have to capture Zoe now let's move,'' she said and  we left once again to their base this time there boss went there so we were able to  get in easily and capture Zoe and bring her back to the ship for interrogation . " tell us everything you know or ben will torture you,'' Erica said, '' why would you torture me ben I thought we were friends and also you cant torture  its a CIA rule," Zoe said. '' we aren't in America and the law is only  in America  and  did you really think I would be friends with you last mission you betrayed me and this time you turned evil so  if you really thought I wouldn't torture you, you must have a brain problem right now," I said 

"  ohhhhhhhhh you got roasted,"  Mike Chip and Trixie said 

" haha try me I'm loyal to thunder you will....." she didn't get to finish because I punched her in the face and twisted her arm then punched her in the face, " Why would you do that to me, she asked, " you seemed perfectly  fine when your henchmen was chocking me to death I said I will do the same to you'', I told    her 

'' I'm still not giving you any information,'' she said and I just started choking her, '' you give up," I asked. ''  yes,'' she said. 

 '' alright what do you have to tell us,'' I asked, '' I'm only giving you a clue," she said.

" it has something to do with astroids she said, '' no more bc you will probably figure it out if I tell you more you may have already,'' she said. 

I was going to ask for more but a few thunder agents stormed in and sedated us all. right before I  got sedated, I saw Zoe smiling and she said evilly, '' looks like the great  Ben Ripley  doesn't always succeed shoot him", and then suddenly I blacked out  

that's the end of the chapter hope you guys enjoyed I know it was a short chapter but next will be longer the chapter I think next chapter I will  reveal the bad guy's plot so yeah stay tuned the story will be over in a few chapters and there will be a QnA at 500 reads see you guys next chapter peace

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