Chapter 1

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Note: All of this is Noodlehammer's work, check his other stories out.

DISCLAIMER: I suppose I need to do one of these again...obviously I don't own anything either Naruto or any part of the DC universe. If I did, then I wouldn't be writing fanfiction.

Firstly and most importantly... For those of you who aren't aware, this is a humor sequel of my first story "Reaching for a Dream", which means that you should read that one first. Nothing is physically preventing you from reading this first mind you, but you will more than likely be terribly confused if you do.

Secondly, my knowledge of the DC universe in general and the Justice League in particular is spotty at best, so feel free to point out any glaring errors or blatant OOC-ness. This spotty knowledge is also one of the reasons why my foray into this universe will be rather short.


Standing in an isolated spot that overlooked the city of Gotham were two odd figures, one male and one female, both of them very tall by the standard of humans and in possession of some very distinctive features.

The woman was an incredible beauty who stood at 6'4'', had long, shining white hair that reached down to her thighs, red eyes with a predatory slit and an alluring dusky skin tone. She was dressed in a body hugging, full length white kimono with red accents and a slit on the side so that it showed a flash of leg when she walked and left her shoulders exposed, showing off a great figure. Magatama markings encircled the wide sleeves and bust line, coincidentally also drawing attention to her impressive cleavage, which would have hovered between between a C and D cup on a shorter woman. On her it seemed larger due to being scaled appropriately for her heigth.

The man stood at 6'7'' and while he was not handsome in the conventional sense, what with the deep whisker marks on his cheeks and the jagged black marks on the sides of his face, he was far from unattractive. His hair was of similar length to that of his companion, though it was an extremely bright golden color instead of white and his eyes had the same predatory slit, but they were a gold-orange color as opposed to her red. His skin was also a much lighter shade than hers, though still tanned. He wore black pants and a white, high collared haori decorated with magatama markings, which was kept open to reveal a powerfully muscled chest. The hilt of a long nodachi was visible over his right shoulder and a green crystal hung from a cord around his neck.

Both of them were barefoot, but seemed unbothered by their lack of footwear, despite the pebbles and rather low temperature of the ground.

By far their most eye catching feature however, were the pair of horns on their heads, giving an appearance that was both regal and demonic. The claws and fanged teeth only further supported this image. The faint glow of their hair made them seem even more otherworldly.

Naruto was inordinately pleased that eating the Chakra Fruit had bestowed on him the same type of horns that his wife sported(perhaps more pleased that he had a reason to be, considering that it was just a cosmetic effect, but he didn't care because the horns were awesome). He'd long since given up on wearing his previous leather get up, finding the chakra formed clothing to be incomparably more comfortable, not to mention indestructable.

He'd destroyed the crystal imprisoning Madara's soul some time ago, finding it tiring to keep holding on to his anger at the man. Honestly, if it hadn't been for the near success the Uchiha had at killing Xanna, he would have released him even sooner. Either way it was hard to keep holding a grudge against a dead man, especially when it was that very dead man's machinations that culminated in an ascension to godhood for you and your wife even if that hadn't been his intent.

Trolling the League by NoodlehammerWhere stories live. Discover now