Chapter 6

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Xanna was bored.

It had been several days already since Naruto had abducted Supergirl and that bit of amusement was starting to wear thin.

Superman had long since healed of course and the plan of using her as bait in order to lure 'Uzu' out into the open had failed, as he had simply not shown up. Predictably this had been driving Superman mad with worry and it had been somewhat funny to watch the man agonize over the imaginary torments that his cousin was going through. He had even gone so far as to scan the entirety of Gotham and Metropolis along with wide areas around them in an effort to find Kara. When that had failed he'd resorted to flying all over the place in his attempts to find her, fruitlessly of course.

The situation was clearly not having beneficial effects on his sanity.

It was less obvious with the others, but they too were getting antsy with worry over the teenaged superheroine. Batgirl had insisted quite vehemently that she be included in the search for her friend and had eventually gotten her way, though it was only serving to frustrate her.

At least the fight would take place tomorrow and she would get reunited with her husband, in more ways than one.

But that didn't fix her current boredom.

Having nothing better to do, she started peeking into the thoughts of the Justice League members. She left the martian alone, as his telepathic ability might allow him to actually detect her even if it wasn't good enough to detect her peeking into the others.

Usually she wouldn't do something like this, not because of any kind of ethics about violating the sanctity of people's thoughts, but simply because what went on in their heads wasn't interesting most of the time. Which proved to be true for most of the League as well.

Except for two of them.

Batman was quite the headcase actually. The trauma of seeing his parents murdered had apparently left some serious psychological scarring that gave him a deep aversion to guns and killing. His opinion on the criminals that Naruto had killed was actually 'good riddance', he just wasn't willing to kill them himself and wanted to bring Naruto in for doing the actual killing. He was the most ruthless of the League but paradoxically the one that was the least likely to consciously decide to kill someone.

Xanna believed that Naruto would have called him a 'fucking pussy that should man up and get over it already'. She was somewhat inclined to agree actually. Plenty of people who had seen their loved ones killed in front of them came out of it with less issues than he did. Naruto could hardly be called sane by anyone's definition, but he'd been messed up since day one. Bruce Wayne had eight years of a perfectly happy life and then decades more to recover, that was plenty of time to be capable of putting the trauma in the past.

Superman was another matter entirely. He was scared of his own power.

Growing up with people so much weaker than him had instilled in him the rather bizzare fear of accidentally harming people with his strength, along with the fear of being rejected if he used it too judiciously.

Not an unreasonable fear admittedly, considering the fact that she knew there were government agencies dedicated to finding ways of killing him if he should ever go out of control, but still rather disproportionate. Basically, he was trying to 'fit in' as best he could while also playing superhero, because he'd feel guilty not using his power if he could use it to help people. He just used his overly rigid moral code to present himself as the ultimate good guy because he didn't want people to be afraid that he was going to turn on them.

Trolling the League by NoodlehammerWhere stories live. Discover now