Chapter 4

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Several people have reviewed in response to my blunder in the previous chapter about there not being some kind of all powerful deity in the DC universe and I already have ideas to correct that, which I considered to be better than rewriting that part of the chapter. Thank you for pointing that out.

Other than that, I've got nothing to say apart from enjoy this newest chapter.


Diana was making her way back towards her room now that the latest meeting that the Justice League had held on the topic of Uzu was over.

In short, they had nothing.

Aside from sporadic sightings, the horned man seemed to have vanished like a ghost. Nobody really trusted the sudden silence and figured that he was planning something big. Xanna had confirmed their suspicions, telling them that Uzu was well known to be unpredictable and seemingly random in his actions, but he had a habit of vanishing before he made any big moves.

It was unfortunate that J'onn couldn't find him via telepathy as their quarry was just as invisible to him as Xanna was.

Speaking of Xanna...

Diana didn't know what to do about her.

She had fervently thanked Hera that no one had needed her for anything while she had been sleeping off their encounter. The life support system had fortunately cycled the air around so her room hadn't reeked of sex anymore and she had managed to remove all evidence of what had gone on.

The sexual experience had been pleasurable on a completely different level from anything she'd ever experienced on Themyscira, but there was more to it than that. She was embarrassed at how apparently inadequate she'd been to the horned woman and her pride stung at being so completely dominated.

She hadn't asked, but Diana got the distinct feeling that Xanna was much older and therefore more experienced than her.

It didn't help that veiled suggestive looks had been sent her way several times during the meeting and she was clearly expected to show up in the horned woman's room later on. The problem was that Diana didn't want to be submissive and cater to the domineering woman's demands like a servant and certainly not like a pleasure slave.

Her body had tingled with leftover sensation even after she'd woken up and just the memory of it made an uncomfortably pleasant heat burn between her legs. It made her want to go back for more.

Unfortunately, Diana was under no delusions as to what would likely happen if she played by the rules set by the other woman. She had seen that Xanna clearly enjoyed the dominant position she'd claimed and Diana was far from certain in her ability to force the horned woman to accept her as an equal. She was the most accomplished warrior on Themyscira despite her young age, but this was a wholly different sort of battle. In this, she was clearly a rookie trying to measure up to a seasoned veteran and failing rather predictably.

Despite her mauled pride, Diana decided that it would be best not to try vindicating herself and compounding the situation. She was actually rather apprehensive of the distinct possibility that it would happen again, mangling her pride further and eventually ending up as being normal for her to be dominated like that. It was not unheard of for a younger amazon to fall under the sway of an older and more forceful one in such a manner, though the last such incident had been long before her time. The last known incident anyway.

Trolling the League by NoodlehammerWhere stories live. Discover now