Chapter 7

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James Williams sighed in relief when he made it to his desk with just a few minutes to spare. It wasn't that anything too terrible was going to happen to him if he happened to be late but it was better not to take chances, since he actually liked his job despite its….peculiarities.

The job itself was nothing fancy, just another desk job in a cubicle the same as many others, but the pay was better than most other jobs offer at the same level and his immediate superiors didn't ride his ass all the time.

There was a reason for that.

It was because the CEO of the company hated everyone that worked for her equally. Everyone from the IT guys down in the basement to the executives up in the top floors knew that the boss hated them. She made sure they knew it when they were interviewed.

You'd think that would create a very tense work environment, but it strangely didn't. Since everyone knew that she'd be pissed at them if any complaints reached her, the department heads knew better than to screw around and provoke her. Everyone knew that there were no such things as 'favorites'or 'getting away with it'. As long as you did your job and avoided irritating her, you could rest easy. If you did otherwise, you got tossed out the front door by security no matter who you were, as one overly self important would-be executive found out the hard way recently and that was just if you happened to think too much of yourself. People that tried to swindle her had the unfortunate tendency to suffer bankruptcy.

Basically, everyone was afraid of making her angry(which was more or less normal anywhere), but at least you knew she'd hate you fairly. Well, that's how it was for most of the people working for her at least. Anyone that had to deal with her directly had it worse. Things had stabilized a bit by now, but from what he'd heard, the guys in management had gotten replaced regularly the first few years.

There was no dress code, nobody had to wear suits or ties and you didn't catch any flak if you had gravy stains on your shirt as long as you did your job.

It never ceased to amuse him when he thought of the fact that being employed by Poison Ivy was the best job he'd ever had, even if she hadn't gone by that title in over a decade.


Pamela Isley leaned back in her chair and sighed in relief over the fact that she didn't have anymore paperwork to approve or reject, for today at least.

Sometimes, she wondered just what the hell she'd been thinking when Naruto had helped her hammer out this plan and execute it. Then again it really was the most effective way of going about her goal to preserve nature, so she couldn't complain too much.

She'd only had a bare bones idea of it when she'd asked Naruto to help, but over the couple of weeks that they'd spent ironing out the details the whole thing had grown very much out of proportion, making her realise that her previous modus operandi was simply too small scale to accomplish anything significant.

With that in mind, Naruto had gone about and used some creative mind control, bribery and threats to have all of Lex Luthor's former assets transferred to her, along with the ownership of his corporate tower and everything else he could track down. It was so nice when you had a god of questionable morals helping you out, it certainly smoothed things out.

After that had been done, he'd given her a nice tattoo that took up her whole arm that was actually one of those wondrous seals of his and it would create random gemstones or precious metals on command if she ever found herself running out of money, though she did have to be careful to make sure that she didn't collapse the market by accident. That would be bad.

Once that was done she had finally been able to turn the economical might of those assets towards her goals.

The biggest and most obvious culprit in the systematic destruction of nature were the energy companies. Old and clinging to their power with a deathgrip, they tried their absolute hardest to keep humanity reliant on fossil fuels so that they could keep getting richer by exploiting those resources.

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