Chapter 5

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Random Reviewer: I wasn't aware that I've given my stories the ability to force people to read them, that's pretty damn amazing! I wonder if I can give them the ability to make chocolate pudding next? xD


The atmosphere in the Watchtower meeting room was tense, very tense. It had been no more than an hour ago that Uzu had unequivocally kicked their asses, most of them without even throwing a single punch. Green Lantern, Hawkgirl and Flash felt particularly ashamed, having been beaten without even a fight in the case of Hawkgirl or walking into a trap for the other two.

But that was not the reason for the tenseness. Oh no, that was caused by the uncharacteristically murderous air around Superman.

Well, everyone except Xanna was tense, the horned goddess herself was trying not to look like she was amused by all this pointless mental agony. Especially when she considered that her husband was probably just about getting settled in some hyper luxurious hotel in a remote part of the world where he was going to pamper the hell out of the 'poor kidnapped rape victim'.

The kryptonian was glaring at the table in front of him and looked as if he was barely restraining himself from burning a hole through it. The injuries that Uzu had inflicted on him hadn't fully healed yet, but he refused to stay in the infirmary.

"Why is it taking me so long to heal?" He ground out through clenched teeth, frustrated that he couldn't be out there searching for his cousin yet.

"There is some residual kryptonite radiaton in the bite wound, it is slowing down your healing factor." J'onn said stoically.

"Are you telling me that Uzu has teeth made of kryptonite?" Flash asked incredulously.

"No, Clark would be dead in that case. More likely, Uzu was chewing on a piece of kryptonite before we fought him." Batman stated bluntly.

Flash didn't make any comments on that, despite the joke about dental floss that came to mind, seeing that Superman was not in the mood to listen to anything that didn't involve finding his cousin.

"Have you or J'onn found anything at all on where he might have taken Kara?" Clark demanded impatiently.

"Nothing, he's vanished the same as before and even if we did find him, we're in no shape to fight him right now." Batman answered.

"So you're saying that we should just let him have her?" Superman spat angrily, glaring at the other man.

"No, I'm saying that we can't let him pick the battlefield or this is just going to happen again. When we fight him next we need to be ready." Bruce said, glaring back at the kryptonian.

"And how long will that take? What's going to happen to-" Superman spat angrily but cut himself off before he finished the sentence, the thought of what his cousin might be going through at this very moment causing his guts to twist in anguish.

"Calm down, it's possible that nothing will happen to your cousin and that Uzu only took her to bait you." Batman said.

"What?" Superman asked, startled. The rest of the Justice League plus Xanna looked similarly startled.

"Uzu has been killing the worst criminals in Gotham for weeks but he's always been especially cruel to the rapists, so he might have just been pushing your buttons." Batman explained.

Everyone started looking more hopeful, Superman in particular looked remarkably like a puppy begging for a treat. Xanna was actually surprised that anyone picked up on that little detail considering how much effort Naruto had put into presenting himself as the scum of the earth.

Trolling the League by NoodlehammerWhere stories live. Discover now