Chapter 3

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One thing, several people have been mentioning the possibility of a Marvel Universe crossover, but i'm afraid that's pretty unlikely. My grasp on that universe is even more shaky than DC, so unless I manage to figure it out a bit, I'm staying well away from it.

Big thanks to everyone who reviewed and I hope you enjoy this chapter.


Naruto realised one important fact about his sudden desire to learn about the music of this world.

Music stores weren't open at night and it was night.

Actually, was there even such a thing as a music store? He knew that the people in this dimension had figured out how to record music on objects, but according to Xanna, the idiot whose soul she'd ripped out listened to music mostly through something called 'U-tube'.

What the hell was a U-tube and how does one get on it?

That was the problem with just taking the knowledge from someone's head, if you didn't have context then you wouldn't know what the hell it was about. And rather inconveniently, neither one of them had any interest in anything except language at the time, which meant everything else had received only cursory inspection, if it received any at all.

Naruto had a sinking suspicion that Xanna wouldn't have used the Human Path again to make this easier even if she hadn't been on the doubt she'd find his fumbling around the subject amusing.

Either way, he couldn't even fumble around it during the night, which meant waiting for the morning and that was quite a ways off.

He didn't actually need to sleep anymore, though he usually did so just because he enjoyed it, but he couldn't do that right now either. Having sex with Pamela had done nothing to calm him down, quite the contrary actually.

He was horny as hell, his godlike body used to treating a single orgasm as the start of foreplay rather than anything else. Unfortunately, he wasn't really in the mood to go screwing 15 or so random women(either seduced or paid for) that he'd never met before in order to scratch that particular itch and Xanna was obviously unavailable.

What he wouldn't do to be able to teleport to her, bend her over and pound her until he was satisfied.

Sighing at his predicament, he took flight and headed for Gotham. Maybe something interesting would be happening that would distract him? He could always go to some other city if it wasn't, it would be time to move on soon anyway.

Technically, he should have been messing around with Superman in Metropolis already anyway, but Batman had just been so grimly serious all the time that he just had to mess with the man more than he'd planned.


Selina Kyle, more widely known as Catwoman, was perching on the roof of a museum in Gotham and staring avariciously through the skylight at the large cat's eye emerald sitting on a pillow.

She wanted it. Bad.

Bad enough that she'd come back to Gotham despite the horned lunatic cutting people up with a sword all over the place. Mind you, she was reasonably sure that he wouldn't kill her since he had apparently let Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn go, but there was enough uncertainty for her to not want to risk it.

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