Chapter 2: A new life

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My alarm went of it's 8:00 I was about to go back to sleep until I remembers today we have our flight at 9:50, I put on by shoes and ran to Blake's room
Y/n: Blake?! Blake?! Wake up we have our flight today!
Blake: Oh yeah I forgot.
Y/n: hurry up we got to get there before 9:50
I went to my room and started packing shoes,shirts,hoodies,sweat pants,leggings, jeans, and my pjs and a bunch of other stuff.
Mom was already making breakfast when I was done packing Blake helped me bring my suitcase downstairs, we ate our breakfast which was just waffles because we did not have enough time to eat something. It was already 8:55 so Me and Blake loaded our suitcases on the the car we also got duffel bags and our backpacks.

Our mom was the only one who went with us because our dad stayed with our other sister, So she also had bags, When we were done packing we went inside for about 5 more min and when it was time to go, I pushed Blake and ran to the front seat of the car, he was running behind me, but I won.

Y/N- haha I won

Blake- yeah yeah *rolled eyes* he sat in the back seat, where all of the backpacks and duffel bags where so he was not comfortable. Our car was going to get taken to Canada as well so we would just have to drop it off at the airport.

We went through the whole check in and stuff like that know we are just waiting for them to call our flight *20 min later* flight to Canada is now boarding.

Blake sat with mom, And I got seated with some boy he looked around my age, I did not really pay attention to him, I just Grabbed my phone and grabbed my air pods, and watched tik tok because I did not know what to do...

I looked next to me and the boy was also watching Tik Tok I smiled at him and he smiled back, he was kinda cute, I was tired and I just put Music and fell asleep. Blake woke me up I slept through most of the flight I was surprised at my self I can never really sleep. The boy that was sitting next to me was not there anymore, But I just stood up and walked.

We went to grab our bags now we were just waiting for the car to arrive, They said it would just take like 20 more min. I was looking to see If I could find the boy but I think he had already left, wait Am I falling for someone? That's crazy I don't even know his name or what he acts like!

We finally got our car and loaded our bags, This Time me and Blake tackled each other to get the front seat as always me being the nice sister I am I hit him and let him have the front seat :) For the first days we stayed we had to find a hotel yourself but after the meet we would get the official hotel we will stay in for filming. 

Y/n and Ethan, a unforgettable FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now