xxi | wish

8 1 0

It's cold, raindrops keep falling down the glass window,
Feeling empty, I stared into nowhere in particular,
I feel like a pin-pricked egg, empty and hollow,
It's like my brain stopped working, and went away really far.

I couldn't really understand myself at the moment,
The letter I received which you sent,
I read it over and over again, not believing the words written in it,
Tears brimmed in my eyes, it's like a car just had a hit.

Who do you keep pushing people away?
It really made me lose my mood for the day,
I wish I could also have a say,
But I could only say "okay.."

I asked you if this is what you wanted,
You never responded.
Is it really the end of our friendship?
But I wished to have more memories to keep.

And I want it with you...

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