xli | park

4 1 2

I'm here at the park, right now
I saw two kids, in the swing, staying low
I heard how they talk about their days
Their eyes glistened as shone the sun's rays.

I saw how they left the swing and got into the sandbox,
I watched how they removed their socks.
The two kids played and laughed, enjoying their time,
The next thing they played is playing mime.

I listened how they laugh and smile while staring at each other,
I'll also whoever thought they're a bother.
I saw how they got back to talking while sitting at the bench near me
Under the tree.

I saw how the two made a promise to always be together,
It was then I felt sober.

The picture of the two children disappeared,
It was like.. they left with the 'goodbye' bid.

After all, it was only a memory when we were a kid,
I still remembered how we planted the promised flower seed.

It's sad that you're gone, and wasn't beside me,
Don't worry, here I am, under the tree,
In our favorite bench,
Where we wrote our name together while hands were clenched.

I took one last glance at the blooming flowers at the top of the hill,
I still remembered our deal.
I looked at your grave, where our promised flower stands,
It was our favorite escape land.

I sat beside you, holding another seed, slowly planted it beside the other flowers.

Happy Birthday to us.

This one's still full of mystery, right?
Poetry based on book two, I think, of a fantasy trilogy I'm working on :>

Good day!

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