(10) The Office

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Peter pushed the school doors open as he stormed into the school, he was still upset from yesterday & did not go home, after hanging out with Ned, until 2 AM. His parents were awake, worried about Peter. 

Peter quickly put his backpack away as he looked down the hall, seeing Michelle doing the same task. He closed his locker & walked down the hall. 

“Did you do it”, Peter asked as he walked up & placed his hand on her locker? 

“Do what”, Michelle asked? She grabbed her math book & shut her locker. 

“Did you tell my family about… about… my problem”, Peter asks? Michelle started walking towards the cafeteria, Peter followed. 

“If you are referring to Flash bullying you, then yes”, Michelle said as she clutched her books to her chest. “It needed to stop, I was just trying to help”. 

“I was handling it, I was fine”, Peter said with an attitude. 

“Tell that to your eye”, Michelle said, returning the attitude. “Look, I don’t want to fight, we’re friends & I was just looking out for you”. 

“I could have handled it by myself”, Peter said as they stopped walking & stood in the middle of the hallway. 

“I believe you, but if you were going to do something, you would have by now”, Michelle said. Michelle placed her hand on Peter’s shoulder. 

Peter looked down at his shoulder as he felt a peaceful wave wash over him. 

“I think you should have let me handle it by myself, but I see why you did it”, Peter said, he was still upset, but now he saw that his anger was directed to someone else, but he was just lashing out at Michelle. 

Peter opened his mouth to speak again, but the P.A. system crackled above them & someone’s voice was blasted through the school. 

“I need to see the following students in the principal’s office: Peter Stark, Harley Stark, Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds, Betty Brant, & Flash Thompson”. 

Peter & Michelle looked at each other, they felt as the students around them looked at them with curiosity. 

Peter rolled his eyes as he & Michelle turned around & walked into the office. They were told to take a seat & the principal would see them soon. 

Ned, Betty, & Flash walked in shortly after. There was a look of horror on Flash’s face. 

The principal’s door opened & out stepped Peter’s parents. 

“Don’t worry young man, we’ll do everything in our power to put an end to this manner. We will put a stop to this, Mr. & Mrs. Stark”, The Principal said. He stepped out of the way & let Tony, Pepper, & Harry through. 

“What’s going on here”, Flash asks as he stands up? 

“Is this the guy”, Harry asks, they stand each other down from opposite sides of the office? 

“Yeah”, Harley answers. 

Harry cracked his knuckles, before starting to walk up to Flash. But Tony stepped in front of Harry. 

Harry lunged at Flash, but was caught by Tony, Harry reached for Flash as he was carried out over Tony’s shoulder. 

“It’s not worth it, he’s not worth it”, Tony said as he carried a squirming Harry out of the office. 

“Peter, Harley, Mrs. Stark, I need to talk to you”, The principal said. They walked in & sat down opposite of the principal. 

“Peter, I want to hear your side of the story, I’ve heard your parent’s & your friends, & I’ll ask your other friends & Flash’s too”, The principal said as he looked at Peter with concern. “I need every detail, starting with when this first started”. 

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