A glimpse

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" sarah will you look back?" Arahi screamed.I did hear her voice, but the music in her room was louder. I didn't turn back, It was a summer evening, I was busy checking my ex boyfriend's house, located just beside Arahi's house.
"C'mmon ,get over it, see what I have "
I bent down to check what she'd got.
It was a picture of a guy.
The music was changed to romantic one, and the ambience was not soothing because I hate romantic music. I feel being engulfed by the emptiness, and the loneliness.

I scrolled to find out more. He was genuinely handsome and glamorous.

--"Why didn't you call him in your party?"
-- "will tell you..."
And she joined her mates , and danced as if there's nobody around.

Who doesn't like a handsome guy, with a great sense of humor. So that atleast we could manage to feel good, in our tough times.

I am a creep, I kept on waiting for my ex boyfriend to turn up to me and ask for patch up.

"But the guy, was actually cute" I praised .

Arahi smiled in a goofy way.

"I'll do something, we guys can come to your house , and can spend some quality time"
Arahi ,genuinely not a pro when it comes to "find the perfect match".

I was from a conservative family, I never liked fooling around with friends, partying, gathering.
But still that loneliness, the ominous silence was difficult to deal with.

So I ended up informing them, on whatsapp , to visit me as soon as possible.

The note was:

"Dear Arahi and Ben (the guy) , I want you guys to come to my house , and have some snacks and spend some time with me"

P:S-- I was too bad in inviting people

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