The departure

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"What the hell....." Mom shouted
I ran to her room, Mom was crying
-"what" I asked
-"you are a lesbian" mom yelled
-"excuse me"
-"every single person of our apartment is aware of this"

-"" I was about to pee.
-"check it" mom handed me a phone ,it was a post from Ben's account, where I was tagged.
It was a relationship status.
"In a relationship with sarah"
I ran to my room, banged the door, called Ben.
-"why did you post such things, should have asked me no?" I cried
-"you love me?" she asked
-"whatever, my question is why would you socialize the matter"

--"if you are thinking of a life with me,then let them know"

-"it's shocking, I would have managed my mom, you messed it up"

-" why are you freaking out "
-"Don't you know, I live in a society where its being lesbian is a joke and nothing else"
-"so, you don't want to live with me"

-"for god sake, don't change the topic "

Meanwhile, I overheard mom booking an appointment with a psychiatrist.

-"meet me now, I am just at your door" she said.
I ran downstairs.

She smiled. I found some people staring at me, two women smiling.

-" why, are you here" I was disgusted, she had no fault. She was a way too dedicated

-" so, you don't wanna live with me" she asked me again.
I lost my temper and said

"You bloody lesbians would never understand us"

-"bloody lesbian " she laughed.

I noticed her tears,
She slapped me. I fell on something.

--"hypocrisy has got some limits"

-" I ...I...didn't want to say all these" I begged, but I was feeling dizzy, suddenly, like a bit inebriated

-" we lesbians are humans, we have emotions, but you hypocrites are absolutely bastards" she screamed

-"please listen to me" I couldn't see those e obstacle, pebbles and stuffs, so I managed some falls .

But it was late, she disappeared.
I sat in middle of the road.
Nobody else moved forward to help me out, I stood up and every thing was blur, and double.
May be I myself was a double standard girl.

I went to upstairs, locked myself, I cried and was feeling dizzy and sleepy.

When I woke up, I found myself in the hospital, but my vision was halved, and it was way more blurry.

I heard my mom sobbing. Arahi standing, my dad talking to the doctor.

I waved Arahi, she came forward


-"sarah, you are about to loose your eyes"

-"why?" I was calm

- " you have a severe hemorrhage "


-"she left for New york today itself "

-" stop her" I could speak properly

-"it's been forty two hours , since you got admitted here"

-"is she aware of my condition " I asked

-"No, ken just texted me, that her flight has departed "

I gasped, I was exhausted, and it was excruciating, my goofy smile bade
a good bye, because it's not double standard like me.

-"lady, are you ready for operation " the nurse asked
I noded  , I didn't know , what operation it was,
Arahi whispered "we'll manage cornea for you at any cost"
May be , I was going to be blind forever. I just couldn't believe I was going to be blind.

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