The festival

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-"Come home early, as soon as possible" mom ordered.
I lost my cool, unintentionally though
I messed my hair, threw my writst watch and rubbed the lipstick to ruin it.

-"Stop over-reacting" mom scolded
Yes, I used to react a lot, my loneliness had taught me , what to do.
My loneliness also gifted me with tears, the invisible one, which I couldn't see but feel.

My dad took a glimpse and ignored, because he was a man of peace.

-" I am going out after eight months mom, shouldn't you allow me to be late just for one day" I cried
- "Do whatever you like" she left
My destination was Arahi's house.
Just five hundred meter from my place.

So I again  decked myself up, and left for her house.

Arahi, as I knew would never give me first priority so she called up her best friend, Alia to join the most popular and cultural festival called durga puja.

I decided to come back. I felt neglected .
After all I was unsocial. Basically I loved that tag 'unsocial' .

And along with that she called Ben and ken.

I didn't want to miss the opportunity to meet my lady love.

Sorry, crush.

I asked Arahi if I could go home, and she dragged me to a dark place.
I thought she was kidnapping me.

But as always, there was a light, as soon as the dark disappeared. I discovered Ben standin standing with her Bike.

She was dressed in deep black t-shirt and denim.
Her smile was a killer one.
Arahi managed her to drop me home.

I wasn't at all acquainted with bike riding so I managed severe falls, and finally balanced my legs on both side.

Ben was smiling, I checked her out through the mirrors of her bike.
I was unable to find the footsteps.

Suddenly felt a warm on my thighs, it was her hand touching my leg.

"Keep it here" she said, and I found a shelter for my lucky legs.

The touch was different, completely exceptional.
The heat of her hand, threw a wave on my body, my heart skipped a beat.

"Wait, she's a girl" I warned myself
But the reluctant soul wanted to explore more,
The bike started with a sound, the breeze was so natural and soothing.
I moved myself to get attached to her ,
And found a strange peace.
She was saying something, I  could barely hear.
I was busy with the strange feeling which knocked my heart up ,with beats.

The journey ended, I clicked a pic with her and ran to my apartment from the main road because I didn't want her to figure out that I was blushing.

The festival ended, splashing my mind with colours of love.
She was no more a "just crush"

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