The explanation

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"So... do you wanna explain or should I?" I ask
"I will, as you already know, me and James kissed, and before you all freak out, it didn't mean anything, isn't that right James?" Erin says
Great, friend zoned twice and it's not even 7:00am yet
"Yeah it was just a spur of the moment thing and it didn't mean anything. Feel free to freak out now"
The next half hour was filled with muffled squeaks from clare saying that she didn't want to pick sides, whatever that means, michelle swearing and complaining about the fact that "thats my fucking best friend!" Mixed with "thats my fuckin cousin!" And Orla just sat eating fruit pastilles.
Eventually Erin says "are youse done now so we can do something with our day?"
"I just think it's strange that youse two kissed and now youse are just moving on thats all" Clare said still squeaking.
"Well if youse would all leave us alone we might be able to actually talk about what happened!" Erin said.
What Ive been friend zoned a total three times in the last hour I didn't think there was anything to talk ABOUT.
"Fine we'll leave youse be but no fucking funny buisness, we'll be at dennis', goodbye mothafuckaaaaaas" michelle basically yelled on her way out.
"Sooo..." i said, could I be any more awkward?
"So, it wasn't me who told Orla by the way, well it was, she read it in my diary, God that sounds lame doesn't it, I was writing about what happened and-" erin mumbled
"Could I read it?" I say before I've actually processed the words in my brain
"What?" Erin seems a bit taken aback.
"Umm, forget I said anything" I say with a giggle "isn't that what mates do?" I say with a chuckle
"Oh God are you actually annoyed about that I'm sorry I'm so awkward"
"No it was cute, awkward yes, but cute"
"So you're not annoyed?" Erin genuinely seemed concerned about it this time.
"No obviously not, I finally kiss you and I get instantly friend zoned what's there to be annoyed about?" I chuckle
"James..." Erin says.

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