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Hey babies! Chapter 3 !! Above I have some pictures of what Harry's New York Apartment looks like.

As I get in my Mercedes I all of a sudden feel nervous. I've met Harry before. Maybe it's the fact that I will be in his house cooking for him for the first time ever. It's also 5 o'clock in the morning and I'm still half asleep. I quickly go through Starbucks and grab me a coffee. Yesterday, Harry called me to tell me he had bought groceries so I didn't have to. It was really sweet of him but I just hope he has all that I need to make his dishes. Today I will be making his breakfast and lunch and then for dinner he is going out to eat.

I knocked on the door expecting to see a half asleep Harry but no. Instead I saw a fresh and clean fully dressed Harry. "Hey Harlow come in." He opened the door and gave me more space to walk in. "Sorry about not giving you a key. I was supposed to give it to you last week but totally forgot." He said as he closed the door and started walking to the kitchen. Harry had a beautiful Apartment. Way better than mine forsure. It was very open, and had windows showing the view of New York City. " It's alright. I don't need a key. I mean the last superstar I worked with didnt give me a key. Their assistant would open the door for me when I came to work in the mornings." I said still a little tired as I walked over to the windows showing New York's beauty. It was still dark out so I still could see all the light from the buildings. They looked like stars it was beautiful.

"Well in case I happen to not be here or wake up on time here you go." He passed me a silver key. "Thank you. Now I should probably start your breakfast." I walked over to the kitchen and opened the fridge. He had everything I needed."If you want you can stay and look at the view all day." He said, looking at me as I pulled all the ingredients I needed. "I don't think that's very professional Mr. Styles." He gave me this powerful look."No need to call me that. Just call me Harry or H." Then he smiled.

After Harry was done eating he came up to me. "Thank You. I'm very sorry you couldn't make me dinner. I have this meeting with Jeff. If I had an option I would stay and let you cook for me. Plus I think your food is better than restaurants anyways." I started to pack up my things." Thank you very much. I will see you tomorrow." I walked out of the apartment while Harry said his goodbyes. Right as I got in my car I saw Harry standing at my window. I rolled down my window. "can I see your phone for a minute?" Harry said.

"Umm sure I guess." I stated.

"Here's my number. I thought you would need it. Plus you're my chef."

"Yeah. thank you i guess."

We finished our goodbyes and as I was walking through the doors I got a text message from Harry.

H arry Styles

Hi Harlow just wanted to make sure

You made it home safely! Xx

Hello Harry, yes I did thank you very much!

Okay Awesome! I also wanted to let

You know I have some friends coming over tomorrow

And I was wondering if you can make us something? It can be anything!

XX Ofc! What time?

8 pm ! Xx

Okay!! It will be ready!

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