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After eating, we went back to Harry's house. We both sat down on Harry's massive sofa.

"Harlow I hope you know you don't have to tell me." Harry said looking into my eyes. That was one thing I noticed and loved about harry. Everytime you talk to him he always makes sure to look directly into your eyes.

"Harry, I know, But I feel like it's time to tell someone else besides Emily. And if I am being completely honest I've bottled these emotions up for a while." I told him.

" I have been in 3 relationships. Two of them were toxic relationships. My first relationship was with this guy named Lee. I loved him so much, we were engaged. I got home from work one day and saw he was cheating on me."

After saying that tears started pouring out of my eyes. I felt my face puff up and I continued.

" Half of me told me to stay with him. But Emily forced me to break up with him. I'm glad she did. After we broke up it took me a long time to become myself again. I would sit in my room all day and cry. I stopped eating meals. I even quit my job.

After about two years I met Noah." At this point my face was all red and puffed up.

"Well noah... He was lovely. I would be lying if I said I didn't love him anymore. But noah he... h-hhh-e "

Why can't I let it out.

"Hey Harlow," Harry said.

"Did he hurt you? Physically?" He went on to say.

"Yes. y-es he did" I said.

Harry Grabbed me and pulled me into a big hug.

"Sorry I should have asked before. I don't want to trigger you or anything. But please listen to me when I say this. I would never ever in eternity. Hurt You. Ever." Harry made it very clear when he said he wouldn't hurt me.

"I don't get tigers as much anymore. I've took counseling and therapy to help me. I also have pills to help with anxiety. That's why I went back to cooking for pop stars. I've always known I can trust you Harry. If I couldn't trust you I wouldn't have stayed over the other day." But what Harry didn't know was that I liked him. I have feelings for him. The feeling was that everytime you see his face you get butterflies in your tummy. But it hit me. How did Harry know that I was abused.


"Yes Harlow." He said

"How did you know I was abused?"

"Harlow I can see your scars on your hands. May I see?" He said, putting his hand out so he could grab my hand. I gave him my hand. He gently grabbed my hand and traced my scars. I felt more tears coming out.

"I would never hurt you I promise you."

I've always known I could trust harry. I don't know Harry too much and I would like to get to know him more. But for some reason everytime I see him my anxiety never comes. I still get nervous around him but it's not as bad as if I saw a random guy on the street. I just thank God that Harry is sweet and isn't rough. I looked at Harry whose eyes were glossy.

"Are you crying?" I said.

"Yes I am. How can men treat women like this? No Lady deserves to get treated like this." He said in a raspy voice.

" I agree."

I got up and headed for the kitchen.I didn't realize that it was already 8 pm. I started to pull out all the pots and pans to start Harry dinner.

"Do you mind if I help you tonight?" Harry said.

" Of course I can always use the help" My face is still red from crying.

" Actually can I make you dinner?"

"Ummm well you see my cooking for you is my job. You don't need to cook for me."

"Please.You can see if my cooking is good enough."

"Fine. what are you making?"

" That missy is a secret" He said, grabbing the wisk out of my hand.

"Now go on," He said giggling.

"Nope I think I will stay right here" I hopped up on the counter and sat.

But right as I sat down Harry picked up. So I was leaning over his back.

"Put me down," I said laughing.

He spun me around then sat me down on the couch laughing as he did.

He spun me around then sat me down on the couch laughing as he did

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"I will be back now just sit here and watch tv!"

I sat down and grabbed my phone out of my purse and saw Emily texted me.

My Bestieeeeee

I'm going out tonight don't expect me to be home :)

Have fun with your boo.

When are you ever home and he is not my boo!


After texting Emily back and turned around in my seat and tried to take a sneak peak at what Harry was making.

"Are you looking at me Harlow?" He said looking back at me. He squinted his eyes.

"I might be trying to see what you are making"

"It's not done yet almost! Now look away!!"

I looked at the TV laughing. Nothing good was on. I decided to put on the Kardashians since that was the only thing playing.

But before I knew it Harry screamed, almost making me fall out of my seat.

"IT'S DONE" he said. I got up out of my seat and went to the kitchen. There sat a plate full of sweetcorn and tacos.

"I made you my favorite meal ever."

"This actually looks really good." I wasn't lying. I didn't think Harry was much of a cook.

I took a bite.

"This might be the best thing I have eaten. I didn't think Mr.Styles was much of a cook."

" You know I used to work in a bakery!." He said very excitedly.

"Baking and cooking are two different things." I explained laughing.

"And yes I did know you worked in a bakery. It's all over your x factor audition."

"Eww you've seen those auditions."

"I have actually."

After eating me and Harry talked a little more. Based on what it seems his family is very nice.

I started to grab my things and head out. I got in my car, put on my seatbelt and started to drive. What is going on. Am I just tired? I saw everything around me turn into double. I tried pulling over but couldn't see what direction I was going in. All of a sudden I couldn't see anything.


I left it on a cliffhanger:0 What do you guys think will happen?? Ofc Harry had to bring up that he worked in a bakery. I'm sorry I had to put that in but he's always brought up that he works in a bakery so I thought it fit well with this story.

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