Prologue- Times Are Changing

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I never thought I would see any of them again. I chose a side that day whereas they either chose the other side or they had no idea who to side with. For those of you who may be confused about what I am talking about, I am talking about the Fall of Angels. Some angels sided with Lucifer, some sided with God, and others had yet to choose a side. A war lies in wait as the last angel is left to choose, but he is stuck in a loop of what humans came to know as love.

Lucifer and God agreed to curse their love. Every first kiss or the first romantic moment they share is to end with Luce being engulfed in flames. They hoped eventually Daniel would choose a side over their love, but it has yet to happen. I know the pain he suffers from her deaths has almost led him to the brick of choosing a side.

Anyway, I have a feeling that everything is about to change. I have been sent down from Heaven for the first time ever to oversee Luce and Daniel in Luce's new life. Every time she dies, she is reborn and seventeen years later she and Daniel reunite and the whole curse happens all over again. This time God has suspected that Lucifer messed with the curse again, and he believes that something different will happen this time. So, for Luce's life this time, I am her guardian angel. My mission is to figure out how the curse has changed and to protect Luce from Lucifer. It has been 6,500 years since the fall of angels and I personally believe they both changed the curse, so Daniel would hurry up on deciding since it has taken him a long time too.

Anyway, I finally arrive down at Earth. Feeling the grass on my feet feels so relaxing, and the trees around me smell really good, and it feels really hot. I was told that Luce was heading to Sword & Cross Academy in Savannah, Georgia, and that is where she will be reunited with Daniel again. I get the necessary items for my journey and started making my way towards the school. One of the Elder angels works at the school and got me registered so now all I needed to do was show up.

I flew until I saw the school and then I carefully descended and landed making my way inside. The school had a very gothic architectural look to it, and it was worth noting the school used to be a church, and I noticed a little graveyard off to the side. This place kind of gives me the creeps, but I am sure it is not as creepy as it looks.

Heading inside I notice a few students standing next to an attendant being checked in. I take a moment and look around at the fluorescent-lit lobby. There was not much in this room other than a check-in desk and a really small ceiling. "And your name is?" I hear and turn my attention to the attendant waiting for me to answer. She must have already checked in the other kids. "Oh, I'm Savanna Petrova," I tell her smiling and she marks some things off her list. "Alright. Anybody saw or are a Lucinda Price?" The lady asks and we all shake our heads 'no'.

"Alright." She speaks about the history of the school, the expectations, the classes, and more. I feel a stinging sensation on my wrist and look down. A small star is shown on my wrist meaning Luce is finally here.

Next thing the group knows Luce barges into the room ten minutes late. "So, remember, it's meds, beds, and reds," The attendant barks at us. "Remember the basics and no one gets hurt." Hurt? What kind of school is this?? Luce slips in right beside me hoping not to be noticed. "Could you, uh, could you repeat that?" She asks the attendant, "What was it, meds- "

"Well, look what the storm blew in," The attendant says loudly making everyone turn to look at Luce. "Meds. If you're one of the medicated students, this is where you go to keep yourself doped up, sane, breathing, whatever." The attendant tells her annoyed that she has to repeat everything again. "Got it," Luce responds and then seems to zone off. I wonder what she's thinking about...

Next thing we all know a kid was brought in with handcuffs by two police officers. I ignored whoever it was and turned my attention back to the attendant who seemed to be finishing her lecture. I kept feeling an intense gaze on me. I noticed Luce looking back at whoever was in handcuffs and she held their gaze for a while looking between whoever it was and then looking at me. After a few minutes, she turned around and went back to listening to the attendant. I kept feeling the gaze getting more intense as time went on.

Times Are Changing (Fallen Series Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now