Chapter Three- Lunch with a Demon

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Should I go confront Molly first or should I go find Daniel? Should I even bother confronting Molly? Sure, I can tell her not to come after Luce, but I cannot trust her. Also, why is Cam so hell-bent on needing to talk to me? Could he be telling the truth about not siding with Lucifer anymore? I know angels who sided with Lucifer and then left his side are supposed to turn into this different kind of angel where they lose their powers and become blind and more human-like. He still looks very demonic to me and he still acts like one....

"Wait, Savanna!" I hear and I stop once someone grabs my arm and pulls me back. "Don't worry about talking to Molly. I'll handle her. Go find Daniel and then meet me in the graveyard for the lunch." Cam says. "You'll handle her?" I asked him, he couldn't mean...." Yeah, I'll talk to her. Something tells me she will listen." He tells me and then heads in the direction of where Molly went. What's with him? I start heading in the direction of where Daniel ran off to. I find him sitting on a balcony curled in a ball.

"Daniel?" I ask and he looks up at me, "You okay?" I ask him sitting next to him. "Just peachy." He says giving me a soft smile. "What were you thinking approaching her in the first place?" I ask him hoping I said it in a way he wouldn't find offensive.

"It's killing me. Not being able to talk to her and be with her. I'm trying to be this snooty bad boy but she's still relentless. Yesterday afternoon when you weren't around, she asked if we knew each other because I seemed really familiar to her." He says running his hands through his blond hair.

"I know Daniel. This whole thing sucks." I tell him looking away thinking about the lunch I would have to endure soon with Cam. What is he going to do to Molly? "What's on your mind? You seem off?" Daniel asks changing the topic. Should I tell him? How will he feel about Cam and I eating lunch together?

"Well...Ummm..." I say running my hands through my brown hair, "Cam asked me to lunch and I told him I'd go." I tell him avoiding his gaze. "Oh." He says, "Be careful. He's not the same Cam that you knew years ago. He's a completely different person."

"I know, but he won't leave me alone. He says he really needs to talk to me. Plus, the lunch request sounded more like a demand than an option." I tell him thinking back to Cam and I's conversation back in the graveyard during detention.

"Where is Cam?" Daniel asks looking at me. "He went to 'deal' with Molly. She was the one who made the statue fall on you guys. According to Luce, she's been telling her to stay away from you. Which she's not wrong sadly but she took it too far." I tell him twiddling my thumbs.

"Yeah, Luce actually told me that when she saw Molly watching us by the statue. I.... I had to say something to her. I miss her more than anything. Why can't this whole stupid thing end so she and I could finally be together?" He says angered and hurt deep within. "Sadly, you are the last angel who needs to choose a side so both sides aren't equal, and the final battle can begin," I tell him. "Daniel?" I ask bringing his attention back to me, "Yeah?" He asks.

"Have you ever wondered what you and Luce's relationship would actually be like if you were able to live life together?" I ask him curiously. "I have before. Now it hurts when I think about it; honestly, I think I've lost hope that things could change, but yet again you are here because something changed." He says chuckling lightly at the end. "What did you envision about your life together?" I ask him.

"A cute cottage home in the mountains where no one can disturb us, and we could do anything we want. An extravagant wedding especially after everything we have endured. Children of course. Traveling the world together and doing things that we were never able to do." He whispers in a dream-like trance as if he envisions everything he's saying.

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