chapter 52 ~sorry its super short

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So this chapters like super short. Ive been looking at my reads and my last chapter only had four. Are you not liking this story? Is there something i can do to make it better? Other than longer chapters... I just like writing and i dont want to stop so i need to know what needs to be better and sorry this chapters really short...

Its been two months. James would be mad at me, I haven’t ate in three weeks, i run everyday and go to the gym to us the bike thing there. Im only doing this because people on twitter are saying im fat so Im losing weight. so far i lost 40 pounds. James and I talk almost once a day if not we text good morning and good night. I drank my water and looked at the sleeping Fox on the couch. When the door rang he woke up and ran to it barking. "Fox go lay down" Fox ran to his bed in the kitchen and I opened it, smiling i said “Hey what are you doing here?”

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